Earlier this week, I stumbled upon this song. I’ll be adding it to my iPad.
My daughter listened to it, loved it and said she’s going to incorporate it into one of her time lapsed drawing photo series. She’ll be posting the video on her site in a few weeks.
I included this version also.
Can’t wait to see her time lapsed video take on it 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Recipes FOR Medicinal Foods
@Jennifer, I can’t either, she does those already. She’s really good. A few days ago, she posted the dollhouse she’s making. She’s making it out of cardboard!
Aynaria recently posted..Sewing adventure: Rounding up the accessories
I saw that earlier today she did a great job
Jennifer recently posted..Indoor Gardening Journey
@Jennifer, She is really enjoying the site. Yesterday, she asked my opinion on when she should post after she posted one of her drawings. I suggested posting on the weekends, write about 3-4 posts and just stagger them over the next week. She liked that idea. Schoolwork has increased, so she really doesn’t have too much time to write during the week, but she still wants to write there.
Aynaria recently posted..Machine Embroidery Adventures: Tree Goddess