As mentioned in my earlier adventures in beekeeping posts, this morning, when I checked my Warre hive, I discovered larvae! Here are a few of the photos that I took this morning.
The pictures are kind of blurry, my apologies for that. These were taken about 5:00 a.m., my bee photographer (ten year old daughter) was still asleep. The next time I check inside the hive, I’ll make sure my daughter takes pictures. It was challenging holding my Nikon D80 and maneuvering the bars to get a good picture.
If you look closely, you might see the “white things”… those are the larvae.
In the above photo you see the honeybees slurping up some water and you’ll see that there is pollen (dark reddish brown/orange dots) scattered along the bars.
The second box is almost full of honey. I enjoy watching the honeybees. I’m usually not opening up their Warre hive. When I’m not taking apart the hive, on my visits I’ll squat beside and observe them without wearing a bee suit. Our honeybees are fairly docile, they go about their daily tasks and ignore me completely.
Great photo! And thanks for labeling it because I would have not known the difference!
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