Since acquiring our honeybees, I check on them daily. I love watching them. I must say they add additional joy to my already sparkling days. Life is too short, to spend it grumbling/complaining. I make the most with what’s been given to me.
Bee watching is fascinating…
While it’s true that I have gleaned a lot of knowledge about honeybees from my years of research about them that experience isย completely different than actually having your own hives. Since introducing honeybees onto our property, my knowledge (and love) of these amazing creaturesย has increased! I’m enjoying my adventures in beekeeping immensely.

When I check out the honeybees, I rarely open up the beehive and I’m not always peeking into the observation window. I just like watching what they do.

From my observations I’ve found that around 6:00 a.m., most of the honeybees are still inside the hive (for now).
If you were to think they’re sleeping at that time, you would be wrong. As you can see they are fairly active with their inside hive duties.
As the day progresses, you’ll see the foragers come outside the hive to gather nectar (some collect water) and I enjoy watching them return to the hive. The guard bees are at the entrance to greet them and make sure they actually belong to the hive.
It’s amazing watching a healthy and busy beehive.ย And for me, it’s another sign of how truly awesome our God is.
Thanks to the added insect repelling plants and neem solution my daughter and I are able to sit outside and watch them without being bit!
I have been making efforts to let ‘less’ bother me the last several months and I really think going vegan has helped! I’m not as cranky. I’m excited that you are excited about your new yard guests. I love learning about them thru you! LOVE the photos! I see the color starting to change on the white comb thing with honey, eh!? COOL! Very neat! I know…I know…I’m Sooooo technical LOL ๐
Jennifer recently posted..Stir Fry Time, A Word About Coconut Animos, Mild Nacho Cheez Sauce, Mac & Cheez Peas, Portabella Burger, B Vitamins
Hi @Jennifer, They’re amazing right? I love these sweet little companions. I can’t imagine not having honeybees.
These two bars don’t have honeycomb. New comb is light in color but as time progresses it gets darker.
After a while the brood comb (place were eggs are laid) will turn from yellow, brown and eventually black. From my readings it seems that the honeybees prefer the darker comb. However, some speculate, those dark combs can also be the source of bee health problems.
I plan to remove the brood comb before it gets that dark. I’d speculate that the stickiness of the cocoon attracts all sorts of thing to those brood cells. Once the cell is uncapped the larvae is fed a thousand times daily by the nurse bees. Worker bees are constantly bringing in pollen into the hive, this also means they’re tracking dirt and debris. Not to mention they coat the brood cells with propolis. I could go on about this topic. There are many factors that cause comb to change. ๐
Aynaria recently posted..Adventures in Beekeeping: Queen, worker bee larva, and honey spotted
Thanks for setting me straight on this! ๐
I learn so much from you! LOVE it!
Jennifer recently posted..Avocado Cacao Mousse, Jalapeno Eggplant Cakes, Tahini Dressings & Sauces
@Jennifer, we learn from each other. I do happen to know a lot about honeybees and am learning even more since acquiring them. Research took me far, but actually having them in our yard has taken my learning to another level.
Aynaria recently posted..Outdoor gardening; Day lily
Q – Love the photos! What a joy! ๐
curls and q recently posted..Time For Checkers?
Thanks @curls and q, They certainly are.
Aynaria recently posted..Adventures in Beekeeping: Bee Larvae