Around 6:00 a.m. this morning, I was hanging out with my honeybees.

I noticed with two hives that the honeybees were congregating at the base of the hive.
Since the mornings are cooler, I assumed they might be running out of bee space. I quickly went inside the house, put on my bee suit and went back to inspect the hives.

Opening the hives I discovered that the bees definitely need more space. I added a hive box to one of the hives and will add the rest tomorrow morning.

Additionally, tomorrow morning, I’ll be replanting some of my mint near the hive. Why? Mosquitoes don’t like it at all and I love how mint smells.
Wow!!! Your mint leaves look big. I plant some too…but our leaves are very small. May be because of the tropical heat.
suituapui recently posted..Roadside…
@suituapui, Yes, we have a lot. I’ll have to take a picture, they have a tendency to take over. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Juicing Adventures: A bit spicy