Besides being on a juice cleanse…
I’m also working at targeting some dark spots that my face developed when my digestion wasn’t the greatest. Enemas have done a great job in getting that and candida back on track. While I could be just let them be, I’m not the type to just roll over and do that.
I’m 42 years old, I don’t wear makeup but I do like taking care of my skin. When I was younger my skin care maintenance was non-existent after applying moisturizer, in recent years I have noticed that I have to step things a few notches. I blame some of the issues dark spots I’ve developed on my poor digestion, but since my that is back on track it’s time my skin gets back to where it used to be also. I miss my flawless complexion.
I thought it would be a great idea to document what I do. And while I could have left that personal for only my eyes to see, I thought I’d post pictures here.. blemishes and everything else. Pretty brave move on my part, right? 😉
The good news is have a few rough patches that are starting to diminish, Yeah! But of course more works needs to be done.

I moisturize my skin with either jojoba oil, virgin coconut oil or a mix of raw cocoa butter and shea butter. All the oils/butters mentioned are excellent for Black Skin care. It’s a routine I’ve been using for years and it’s made my already soft skin even softer.
Before applying moisturizer on my face, I also brush my skin; usually with a cloth or toothbrush bought specifically for skin brushing. Applying gentle pressure with a cloth or brush. They’re great for stimulation and it’s an effective way to remove surface dirt & embedded oils on my face.

Yesterday, I purchased the Olay Pro-X Microdermabrasion Plus Advanced Cleansing System aka an electric skin brush from Amazon. It arrived today. I’m looking forward to using that to see if I like it more than brushing my face the manual way. I’ll be sure to post about it after I’ve used it for a while. Additionally, I’ll be writing a post about other things I use like my homemade vitamin C serum.
I’m looking forward to your posts on this as well! I have been thinking about a few things with skincare lately, too! I do not wear make-up either. What I might try and do first is work on my scars, tho!
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan MoFo ~ NOT My Best Work…
@Jennifer, You might want to try raw cocoa butter, vitamin C serum, or even vitamin E for scars. Those are all great. They do take time. I’ve heard mixed results about microneedles/dermaroller, I plan to use them on the few lines I have just to see how that works. I don’t mind being a guinea pig and trying new things.
Aynaria recently posted..Juicing Adventures: Day Five
Sigh!!!! Too late for me, beyond any kind of repair but never mind. Old man already. 😀
suituapui recently posted..Just one more…
[…] to aid me in keeping my skin the way I like. Remember when I talked about my purchase of the Olay Pro-X Microdermabrasion Plus Advanced Cleansing System? I really like it a lot, until it stopped working about six months later. I’m thinking I […]