Yesterday, my 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom arrived by UPS, two days ahead of schedule. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I purchased my Rigid Heddle Loom from The Woolery. Since they did not have the size I wanted in stock, it was shipped directly to me from New Voyager Trading, the North American distributor.
The Kromski loom is made is made in Poland, by a small Polish family that has the same name. There was a brochure showing a picture of the family that makes these lovely looms; they also make spinning wheels and a few other fiber related appliances. I’ll have to include a photo in a later post.

I must say that I was very impressed at how everything was so neatly packaged. I guess whomever packed this could give that Amazon packer some tips, right?
And while I’d read (during my research) that some people seemed to have issues with the assembly instructions, I did not have that issue. I thought the instructions were straightforward and some of the items were marked to help you clearly match the parts that should be connected. I have no idea if this is something new they’ve done (numbering certain items) or if this was there all along? I will say that I’ve always been good with putting things together. My father would often ask me to assemble things that stumped him.
It didn’t take long to set up the loom and although I’ve been itching to get started with this new craft, I’ve been extremely busy (meeting last evening and my daughter’s Christmas program was this evening)
and so I folded the loom (it’s collapsible) and have set it aside. Hopefully, I’ll be able to start weaving before the weekend.
Acts of kindness…
Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
I try to go out of my way to be kind to others. I must say it’s nice to be on the receiving end now and again…
This was my first time purchasing from this store and they made it remarkable. I really appreciate the extra details that you did and while you could have remained “anonymous” since I made my purchase online. You sent me additional emails to keep me in the loop throughout and after my online shopping experience. You even included a personal note in my invoice. That made me smile, thanks so much!
Ravelry; Rigid Heddle Loom forum
I’m not new to Ravelry but I am new to the Loom weaving forum. The wonderful ladies on the Rigid Heddle Loom forum have been so friendly and have responded to my newbie posts! They are also helpful with each others questions. I’m a new member to that particular forum, but I really enjoy popping in when I have a few minutes to increase my knowledge of rigid heddle weaving and be inspired by some of the amaqzing handwoven items I’ve seen.
Gotta LOVE it when packages arrive EARLY! Glad you didn’t have a problem with the instructions! You are really great with building and putting together things, tho! I remember that with your Bee Homes, too! Congrats! Looking forward to future posts on this!
PS: I have been a blogging fool lately! And you got me hooked on Bento Boxes now! LOL
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan Sandwich Spread, Cheesy Tahini Kale Chips, Jalapeno Cajun Cashews, Sprouting Again, and Cleaning!
@Jennifer, I’ll try to pop by later today. My daughter has a play date so will be trying to comment on a few sites at that time. 🙂 The big rush at work is slowing down so I can breathe a bit. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Adventures in Weaving: Unboxing my 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom
Yes! Work is a bit NUTS this time of year! Things are evening out here, too!
Jennifer recently posted..Marinated Cucumber Tomato Hemp Seed Salad, Butternut Squash Lentil Walnut Kale Curry, Today’s Lunch!
[…] evening I was finally able to play with my 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle loom. I selected yarn that I didn’t mind using for […]