Today is my birthday, and I must say the best gift I received was a nice bag of yarn from a family friend. They weren’t full skeins, and that doesn’t matter at all, it’s still yarn. Naturally I’ve already designated projects for some of the yarn. This year, my present to myself will be more yarn. I just need to narrow down what I want to buy. I do have a wishlist at KnitPicks.

High on my priority list is incorporating the above Horde emblem (from the World of Warcraft) into some knitted item. I’m thinking a hat. Mists of Pandaria was released last Tuesday, and while I’d initially told Anexxia I didn’t think I wouldn’t be playing until December 2012, I found time to squeeze in some ‘me time’ and had fun exploring the new world. And while the emblem I’m incorporating into a hat is Horde — which happens to be my favorite faction.
These days, I’m mainly playing Alliance. The reason is simple, I have a lot of Alliance buddies, and am a guild officer with one guild. Those within the guild are polite, mature, and genuinely like to help one another; just like myself. We even have a few retired military within that guild. The guild leader is a retired Naval officer. It’s nice to surround myself with like minded people while playing a MMORPG. still don’t play too much, but it’s nice to explore the lovely virtual world. A few of the people I met in-game have become real life friends.
Not sure if any of my readers play WoW, but holler at me (in-game) if you want to hang out sometime. I’m on the Ysera server/Alliance, one of my characters is Misere. Perhaps I can convince Jennifer and Beth to check it out. 😉
Happy Birthday! Have an awesome day. 🙂
Beth Ellen Nagle recently posted..Hand Built Glazed Pottery
Thank you @Beth Ellen Nagle, My brother asked me, “Do you feel different?” I said no, it’s just another day. 😉 I’m just happening to treat myself with yummie yarn on THIS day. heh
Aynaria recently posted..How did you know my name!
Hiya! Great to see a new blog post! YAY! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Since winter is near I just might try and get into that game…MAYBE…what do I need to do??? I’m sure I have to purchase it, eh? Tell me more!!
Jennifer recently posted..Mango Ice Cream from 52Teas
@Jennifer, Yeah purchasing is the first step, but I can send you a Refer a friend invite, that will let you automatically go to 80 with one toon. I’d have to do that before you paid the monthly subscription though, so let me know. Level cap is now 90. The guild I’m with has a small family type vibe, which is why I love it. More importantly, they are all willing to help others (if needed.) That’s the selling point for myself. The guild is made up of mostly adults, but some of the adults children play. 🙂 My daughter will be making a panda within a few weeks. Which means, I have to purchase another subscription so we can play together, heh.
WoW is free to play, up to level twenty, so that would be a great way to check it out to see if you like it. 🙂
Interesting! I will look into it! How much is the monthly? It’s computer, right, not Wii, correct???
Jennifer recently posted..Love You – Love Chalk
Yep it’s a computer game @Jennifer, after the game purchases, it’s $14.99 monthly fee.
Have a great day! Happy birthday, Opal!
Mike Goad recently posted..“… it looked real well!”
Thanks @Mike Goad, It was a nice relaxing day. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..A bit busy, but still crafting
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
We’ve just nominated your blog for the Reader Appreciation Award. You can find the info on our post.
I can’t wait to see you knit object. One of your posts lead to a project I’m working on and will post about within the next week! 😎
curls and q recently posted..Reader Appreciation Award
Thank you @curls and q, I did, and got some gardening done too.
Aynaria recently posted..Tutorial: How to soften acrylic yarn skeins; yes they can be washed in your washing machine!
Best to you on your birthday!!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day!!!
Psssst … check your email. 😀
Nicky recently posted..Stuff On Sunday: Craft Passion Giveaway!
Aww Thanks @Nicky, I’ll have to post with what I did with your surprise, well once it arrives and I make something, heh.
Aynaria recently posted..Still of the night, I work on a secret sweater
Vegan MoFo Recipe #2 is up! Aftermath coming soon!
Jennifer recently posted..Currently In The Oven: Two "Cheese" Baked Cauliflower
I’ll look into it! Thanks for the info 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Aftermath: "Cheesy" Cauliflower Casserole
I’ve already heard about that online game, but I’ve heard that it’s kinda addictive… I don’t want to spend too much time with it, although I am curious…
Veronika@fogbeültetés Budapest recently posted..Mennyit tudunk a fogbeültetés és implantáció folyamatáról?
Hi @Veronika@fogbeültetés Budapest, Thanks for stopping by,m I’d say it’s no more addictive than any other leisure activity. It’s up to the person to control how they use their time. I don’t spend a lot of time playing games since I stay busy, but it’s nice to play in a virtual world now and again.
Aynaria recently posted..Early morning adventure; breakfast at the homeless shelter
are you playing the new pandarian race? How are you enjoying that? I quit wow a while ago because i have an addictive personality, but im getting curious feeling about it again 🙁
Lewis recently posted..Cadburys Crunchie Chocolate Brownies
Hi @Lewis, I haven’t checked out the Pandaren race… yet, but I’m thinking of making a monk when I have some free time this week. I play WOW, but regularly take breaks from the game. I’ll play for a few months, and then take breaks ranging from 3 – 9 months. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..The most wonderful time of the year…
Don’t you find that unless you play constantly, then you can’t really be competitive and you just go around getting whooped? I’m seriously thinking about getting back into the game again. If I do, then perhaps we can play as friends so we level faster and you get a mount for inviting me? hmmmm, I might have to be careful about which server I play on though, because internet is a bit 3rd world in NZ and there won’t be any other players playing at the time I’d play.
Taking up wow again is a really hard choice. I’d love to, but I worry that I’d have to sacrifice other interests for it… healthier interests…
PS: I comment luv’d my kofta fajitas, I strongly recommend them, there were soooo delicious. We ate them until our stomachs hurt and then some! 🙂
Lewis recently posted..Vegetarian Kofta Fajitas With Tzatziki Sauce Recipe
Hi @Lewis, I don’t worry about that within WoW, competition. Strange I know since I’m competitive in real life, but if I tried to keep up with the gear grind… I’d be unable to do so, since I’m not on hours per day. However I do have all the professions maxed out so I can equip my toons in fairly decent gear, gold making within the game has never been an issue so if I really want to wear the best I could buy it… I think we have one player from NZ. She’s new to me since I’ve been away so long, but she’s really nice.
I don’t sacrifice other interests to play the game, I just play when I have time. 🙂 We have a mix of people in our guild, but the rule unwritten rule is work trumps everything. We don’t have regular raids but there are people who do, just like there are those who pvp… something I like to do.