While I juice daily, I haven’t gone on an extended 100% juice cleanse in about two months. Recently, I’ve been thinking about going on another one and I finally think I’m ready to begin. I most likely will begin my cleanse on the first day of the week, which would mean I’d be starting this Sunday. If that’s the case, I most likely will reschedule some of my advance posts so I can share some of the juicing recipes I use throughout the week. It will be similar to my past juicing regime, so they’re will be plenty of greens and very little fruit.
I’ve been pumping up my smoothies but hope to get into some juicing soon!
Jennifer recently posted..Feel Good Mint Chocolate Berry Sorbet
@Jennifer, You should definitely try out juicing, so very good for you especially if you mainly consume vegetables.
Aynaria recently posted..Zojirushi hot lunch jar; silicone cupcake liners work great
I do juice – it’s just been a while 🙂
I have been pretty eager to get back into some things and so far following thru with them…I think my next mini goal is to get back to juicing again 🙂
My Jack LaLanne NEEDS to be used again 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Cranberry Blueberry Smoothie
@Jennifer, Yes I know you juice, just wasn’t sure how often you did that. 🙂 That’s a great mini-goal!
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