At the halfway mark; crochet and knitted bag for daughter’s teacher

Today, I’m a bit too busy to post photos and link to other works in progresses

But I’m moving along with the crocheted and knitted bag I’m making for my daughter’s third grade teacher.

Thus far, I’d say I’ve put about ten hours into crocheting this bag. Because of the stitching used, half-double crochet, it is extremely durable.

If you’ve been following my recent posts, the pattern I linked to was obviously a crocheted bag. But that’s just a generic pattern guide. I referenced it, so I could get a general idea about the bags height, width, and base.

I’m almost halfway through crocheting the bag, after that time I have a few things I’ll be knitting, which won’t take long at all. The final step in the process will be sewing; yes, I’m adding that into the mix too, and perhaps a bit of embroidery.

I decided not to dye the crocheted bag…

This is my first time working with Sugar’n Cream yarn . Also, I haven’t used  mulberry as a dye in years, I don’t want any unpleasant surprises.  However, I will be introducing some earth tone colors in the form of trim, and it’ll make an appearance with a few other items also. 

There is a possibility that this handcrafted bag will be completed by tomorrow, but I’m planning on giving it to her teacher on Friday, which is the last day of school…

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[…] very pleased with how the crocheted and knitted bag is turning out for my daughter’s teacher, and while it’ll be easily complete by […]


That sounds pretty cool, I’m looking forward to see the pics, because now I just can’t picture myself how it will be look like!
Franziska recently posted..Sommerzeit bedeutet für mich Grillzeit!


I am looking forward to seeing the finished bag. 🙂

That song is totally stuck in my head despite the fact that is the first time I have ever heard it. lol
DragonLady recently posted..Bearing burdens


Wow. You are totally right not to dye the bag. I hadn’t thought about it but it definitely could have unexpected results. Better to try it on a different project. But I will be interested in learning how to do it when you do. I think it is a great idea.
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