This past Tuesday, my daughter and I made homemade fettuccine.

We made about three pounds of the noodles. I’ve made homemade pasta several times, however, this was the first time for her. She enjoyed the entire process from combining the basic ingredients; all-purpose flour, eggs, and water that was formed into a ball and set aside for thirty minutes.

We then cut the dough ball into smaller sections and proceeded to roll the dough through my Marcato pasta machine.

We started at #1 setting and rolled it through that setting twice, we then moved on to #2 (rolling twice), and continued until #6. We rolled the pasta at this setting and then set the dough aside. We were ready to make noodles.
The dough sheets were cut to typical noodle length; however, the last dough sheet that was rolled, she kept it long (as seen in the above photo).

I must say that the fettuccine noodles that my daughter prepared turned out really great.

And it didn’t take long to cook the noodles since they were fresh, it might have taken four minutes. The photo above is the super long noodles that my daughter created. If you’re a slurper, you’d be slurping a noodle for a while!

We didn’t have semolina flour, but since I’ve made pasta before, I know that we could use that as a replacement, however, I will be ordering semolina flour soon! Initially, my daughter wanted to make udon noodles, however, the Marcato pasta machine that I have did not have that attachment included. After additional research, I DID find the attachment that is very similar to udon noodles and I’ll be ordering that for my daughter.