Christian Horror Writer: Frank Peretti

Since I was a young child, I’ve been a huge fan of horror books. I consumed my first book, The Shining by Stephen King, when I was eight years old, but the books that I’ve read that were written by Christians were slim. The Last Sin Eater is one of those books. To be honest, I didn’t know a “Christian writer” wrote it at the time. I just knew the writer had a fairly good grasp of Christianity and did an excellent job of weaving in some of the beliefs into the book. It wasn’t until a few days ago that I discovered the writer is a Christian.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized how “good” a Christian writer within this genre could do. If you think about it, it’s not that big of a stretch, The Exorcist, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Legion, Constantine, Fallen, The Rite, are just a few that have strong Christian themes and they have done very well.

This past Friday evening, I did a web search, and was pleasantly surprised to find horror books written by Christians! I checked out a few of the authors via the reviews on Amazon and promptly orderedย  four books based on the “Look Inside” feature offered by Amazon. Three of the books I purchased were by the author Frank Peretti.

The Oath - Frank Peretti

This past Friday, the first virtual book I started reading was The Oath by Frank Peretti. Frank Peretti is a “new to me” author. I was pleasantly surprised by the size of the ebook (562 pages). Peretti reminds me of Grisham in that there are so many crucial elements that are woven into this story; I enjoyed it immensely. I’m a fast reader and I devoured that book by within a few days (finished on Sunday).

The Visitation - Frank Perretti

Yesterday, I started reading The Visitation, which is also by Frank Peretti. I’ve only read a few pages, but am really enjoying it thus far. I will say that if you did not “know” that Frank Peretti was Christian, you might not know that he was Christian but you would know there was a Christian theme within the book.

I must say that I’m pleased to learn that a few of Frank Peretti’s books have been made into movies. Earlier today, I ordered his movie “The Visitation”. I won’t watch the movie until I finish the book. I should be finished reading before the weekend.

I will say that I was pleasantly surprised to see that Edward Furlong and Randy Travis are in the movie. I can’t wait to see it, based on the reviews I should enjoy it immensely.

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WOW! That sounds like an odd yet very welcomed area of reading! I like that it’s scary yet still value based ๐Ÿ™‚ Neat!
Jennifer recently posted..Foods Lately and Check-Ins


teehee! I mean specifically a take on scary yet christian ๐Ÿ™‚

I love the topic combo. I have a friend who writes Christian Romance books locally. I still haven’t read her books but she has quite the following ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m not much of a novel person…I like books of poetry…and articles…probably because I have a very short attention span! LOL
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