Amineko (crocheted cat) number two should be complete sometime today. Yeah!
This being my second Amineko that I’ve crocheted, it’s going along at a much faster pace. In fact, I’m already thinking of number three, or perhaps I’ll make an Angry Bird for my five-year old nephew. He’s a big fan of those critters. I have to admit, crocheting an amigurumi can be addicting.
During the entire time, my daughter has been eagerly watching the process. She’s already placed an additional request…
“After you’re finished that mommy, would you please make some accessories for Marigold?”
Me: What do you think I am, your slave?
Daughter: Yep, my crochet slave!
I feign shock. She laughs at my expression.
Marigold is the first Amineko that I crocheted, and she was featured in my Finished Object Friday post, which also featured a crocheted necklace.
I love crochet
Truth is, I’m really enjoying crocheting, and have been really enjoying making the aminekos, the crochet pattern is easy to follow. Even as a new crochet user, I didn’t find it to be difficult. I took my time. If interested you can find the pattern in the book Hello my name is Aminkeo: The Story of a Crafty Crochet Cat.
My daughter loves this book (as do I) since there are numerous stories to chronicle the adventures of amineko. The crochet amineko pattern, along with accessories for the amienko, are located towards the back of the book.
I learned to knit when I was eight-years old, and it’s something I’ve done (off and on) throughout my life. Knitting isn’t going anywhere, I enjoy it, but for now, outside of my quilting group, most of my fiber love has been focused on crochet.
Of course there’s a wide range of items you can crochet; crochet isn’t just for doilies, afghans, or squares. There are plenty of gorgeous clothing that can be made, and eventually I will….
I’ve already sketched out a few designs that I’m itching to crochet, and most likely (when Fall comes around again) I’ll start crocheting them after Christmas presents have been made.
What’s on my crochet hooks
Currently I’m working on a Sophie Digard inspired scarf. During my down time, when I don’t have a project on my hooks, I crochet a few (tiny) beautiful flowers. I’m in no rush to complete the scarf, but when it’s finished it’ll be gorgeous.
Edited to add:
Today, I finished my second crochet amineko. My daughter has named this one, Mario. About thirty minutes ago, My daughter ‘married’ Marigold and Mario. Mario, the amineko, will be featured (along with other creations) in this coming Finished Object Friday.
Your daughter’s too cute. I love your new title “Crochet Slave” and it’s super cute that Marigold and Mario are now married. I laughed out loud at that — kids say and do the funniest things.
I also dropped by the send you some “Santa’s workshop” vibes with regards to your Christmas gift making. Happy, stress-free production and I look forward to seeing what you come up with!!!
Nicky recently posted..Merry Christmas Baby
Hi @Nicky,
I had to giggle at the term she use, it was my first time hearing it, but in her mind it’s accurate. After all, the majority of the items I’ve made, were for her.
I’ve started on my Christmas post, and will post it later this week. When I do, I’ll be sure to link to your original post.
Aynaria recently posted..Work in Progress Wednesday: Crochet; Amineko
Those Crafty Cats are cute and I LOVE the idea of the Angry Bird stuff, too! Neat! Can’t wait to see ;em!
Jennifer recently posted..Stipple It – Just a Little Bit…
Hi @Jennifer,
Yes, got to love those cats. I most likely will start on the Angry Birds sometime today. I’ll definitely be posting pictures, hopefully I’ll be able to include a few in my Finished Object Friday.
Aynaria recently posted..Crochet: How to make a magic circle
[…] Crochet amineko number two was completed last weekend, but I have to admit my lovely eight-year old daughter helped. She embroidered the face; eyes, nose, and mouth. I must say, for her first time, she did an excellent job. […]
Hello! I just got this book myself – and it’s my first time crocheting and I’m confused by the pattern. I don’t have the book in front of me right now, but I believe the third row said something like “sc in every 3rd st”. Does that mean you skip over two stitches and make a single crochet on the third? When I did that it shrank it down considerably – I don’t think that was supposed to happen! 😉 I’m also confused by the instructions when it says sc the number of stitches in the number line THEN do what the memo line says…does that mean you’d do 18 single crochets on the third row, then “sc in every 3rd st”? Any help would be appreciated!
Hi @Rachael, Let me see if I can help you; I have the book in front of me.
The single crochet (sc) in every 3rd stitch is a definite typo; since you’d be decreasing a stitch.
On page 72, Row #4 is where the typo is
Working an extra single crochet in every third stitch will get you to 24 stitches.
For reference… If you flip over to the larger amineko instructions on page 83, you’ll see that it was written correctly
It’s similar directions as the smaller amineko, just on a larger scale. I’m currently working on a large amineko.
For row #3, If you do two single crochet (sc) in every 2nd stitch, it will add up to 18. I hope that helps.
Aynaria recently posted..Awesome deal: yarn stash updated; Mother Bear Project
@Opal, That helps me a lot, thank you SO much! 😀 I’ll have to send you a picture when I finally finish mine. 🙂
@Rachael, I’m glad that was helpful.
I can’t wait to see it, when you’re complete definitely send a picture; I’ll link back to your site.
With my first amineko it took some time. Acrually I could have completed it sooner, but I got distracted by other (smaller) crochet projects. I was new to crochet (still am, only been doing it for about five months now) and wanted to make sure I was doing everything correctly. 🙂
When I run into crochet issues I’ve been checking out Youtube user Crochet aka Crochet Geeks crochet videos, she has literally hundreds of them available. In this post, I directed readers to her How to Crochet videos. I learned to crochet by looking at her videos. If you’re an advanced crocheter she has you covered too, can’t wait to pick up some of the advanced crochet videos. What I like about her videos is she does parts of it in slow motion.
Aynaria recently posted..Finished Object Friday: Two Aminekos are better than one and Swirly Twirly Scarf
[…] My daughter is insisting it’s a baby amineko. […]
[…] tell him that! He truly believes that he strikes fear in all the crochet amigurumis, yes even the aminekos! This little critter, which my eight-year old daughter has called ‘ole slewfoot’ , has […]