On Wednesday, October 5, 2011 Steve Jobs died (three days after my birthday).
I’m not surprised by the news, In April 2011, he stepped down as Apple’s CEO, because of health complications. However, I’m still sad. He was still a young man, in my opinion, being only 56 years old. However, in that short period of time, he achieved a lot.
Steve Jobs was adopted, He was a poor college dropout. That didn’t stop him from dreaming and attempting to turn those dreams into a reality.
Evelyn Parham a natural health writer recently wrote about how speed bumps can slow you down. It’s obvious Steve Jobs picked himself up and kept moving when he faced obstacles. He accomplished a lot, my thoughts and prayers for his family/friends.
I bought my first Apple product in 2006, three days after my birthday. It was the 17″ Macbook Pro. Once I went Mac, I never went back. I even brought my father along on the journey. I purchased a desktop Mac version for him. I also bought him an iPod which he still uses religiously. He has it loaded with sermons that he buys from CD’s, I load them onto the computer and transfer them to his iPod.
Steve Jobs commencement speech
Regarding Apple products… I can’t say enough good things about the company. Since my switch, I’ve written about Apple-related products for online and print publications. I’m still a technology geek. However, these days instead of picking up Windows certifications my studies are mainly focused on Apple.
The Highwaymen: Highwayman
Lyrics: The Highwayman
I was a highwayman. Along the coach roads I did ride
With sword and pistol by my side
Many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade
Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade
The bastards hung me in the spring of twenty-five
But I am still alive.
I was a sailor. I was born upon the tide
And with the sea I did abide.
I sailed a schooner round the Horn to Mexico
I went aloft and furled the mainsail in a blow
And when the yards broke off they said that I got killed
But I am living still.
I was a dam builder across the river deep and wide
Where steel and water did collide
A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado
I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below
They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound
But I am still around..I’ll always be around..and around and around and
around and around
I fly a starship across the Universe divide
And when I reach the other side
I’ll find a place to rest my spirit if I can
Perhaps I may become a highwayman again
Or I may simply be a single drop of rain
But I will remain
And I’ll be back again, and again and again and again and again..
I can’t stop thinking about him and his accomplishments today. I also thought about you because I remember you blogging about your “new” Mac years ago! It seems so long ago but then again it seems like yesterday! It’s true he was way too young! So sad! He definitely left an impact on the world tho! He set out to change it and he did! RIP Steve!
Jennifer recently posted..Halloween Doodles by Lindsay
Hey @Jennifer, Yep it does seem like ‘just the other day’. I purchased my first Mac on 10/05/06. I just realized it’s the same day he died.
For some reason I thought of the song by Highwayman by The Highwaymen. I’ve always liked how Steve thought out the box, even if it seemed like others were against his concepts. That revolutionary spirit lives on through others.
…and both Johnny Cash and Steve jobs had an affinity for black Steve with the black turtlenecks, and Johnny with the long black coat. 🙂 In his song Man in Black, he explains the reasoning for his attire…
Hi Opal,
I enjoyed your post. I am now Mac Pro user and since I’ve gotten this baby, I know I want go back.
Happy belated birthday!
Steve Jacobs overcame and beat the odds to accomplish great things. Great achievers usually have much adversity that makes them who they are.
Sorry for the late reply. Your trackback was in my spam folder and I just discovered it. Thank you for the shout out!
Good to see you and I hope all is going well!
Take care,
Evelyn recently posted..Meet Evelyn
ooops Jobs…I had Jacobs on my mind.
Hi @Evelyn,
Welcome to the Mac side of computing.
Things are going well; I’m trying to find the time to squeeze personal blogging into my routine. I’ve missed it immensely. 🙂