Ever since I purchased my set of Knit Picks Options nickel plated needles, I’ve been wanting to place a yarn order…
But I dragged my feet since I usually don’t order yarn online. When it comes to my fiber crafts, I’m a visual person, who loves touch what I’m going to purchase. Don’t worry yarn store owners, my hands are clean! Naturally, I can’t do that when making an online purchase. However I determined that I’d stop making excuses and purchase KnitPicks yarn during the month of October, sort of a 42nd birthday gift for myself.
I drug my feet a little longer, but only missed that by two days, since I finally got around to placing my order this past Friday, November 2. I’m really pleased with my restraint, many of the items I wanted to order I put into my wishlist. If I like the quality of the yarn, you know I’ll be adding items from my wish list into a future purchase.
The lovely Nicole, gifted me with a (birthday) gift certificate, and so I used part of that for Felici Tiki which will be used to make socks for my daughter! Oh by the way, Nicole has a yarnie giveaway, so check out the post! As you can see from the above screenshot, I also purchased more cables for my interchangeable needles. And I purchased a few knitting needles that will be seeing a lot of sock time, and eight skeins of yarn. Trust me, I wanted to purchase more, but I thought it would be wise to purchase a few, see how I like it before I go yarn crazy!
I might be getting this order tomorrow! Checking online tracking, I noticed my shipment is already at my local post office in Maryland. Of course, I just want to squeeze the pretties, since I won’t be working on anything until my current pattern test is complete.
I’m old school, a dinosaur. I don’t shop online…other than air tickets, no choice. I still pay my bills at the payment counters in town – I like the human touch…a greeting, a smile, a thank you….so I will go on doing it as long as I can.
suituapui recently posted..Here we are again…
Hey @suituapui, I like the human touch too, but when it comes to shopping and bill paying there’s just not enough time in my week, and on many occasions the items I purchase I can find cheaper online, even when I factor shipping. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Knitted ribbed balaclava hat
Trust me, once you go KP, you’ll never go back!!! Enjoy the pretties when you get them. 😀
Nicky recently posted..Be Heard: Go Vote!!!!!
Hi @Nicky, I received them yesterday, my daughter thought they were pretty too. I’ll have to take pictures. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Ravelry Humor
[…] two weeks ago, I placed my first Knit Picks yarn order and four days afterwards, it arrived. I’ve had a chance to play around with some of my yarn. […]