Hibiscus Tea loaded with vitamin C

Last evening, I made a big pot of hibiscus tea. I purchase dried organic (whole) hibiscus flowers to use in a variety of ways, but the main way is to prepare tea. I normally make enough to put into one of the large glass pitchers that you see here. In doing so, there’s enough to last throughout the day.

Hibiscus tea.10.21.14
Hibiscus Tea

I wish you could see the reddish color of the tea, I wasn’t able to capture it in the above post. My daughter tell me the color reminds her of fruit punch. We love the lovely floral scent of the hibiscus flower, but it’s more than a lovely flower… hibiscus is a great source of antioxidants and it’s extremely high in vitamin C.

With the above tea I also added cinnamon bark, ginger and soursop leaves and while this would be perfectly fine on its own I did add a bit of organic sugar to the blend. I’ll carry some of this with me to work today, a portion will be added to my daughters thermos and the remaining will be placed in the refrigerator to be consumed when we return home today.

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I’ve never really liked Hibiscus much – mostly because companies pass it off as tea which it isn’t…it’s a tisane…a flower, which I know you know πŸ™‚ I just think that isn’t over used by companies in their flavored teas. I guess it’s good they are using a natural ingredient and NOT an artificial one – and I think it’s because when I drink tea I want it to be a black, green, white, yellow,Oolong, etc…tea…straight-up. I know they is a purpose for it – but I think it’s better iced in fruity tisanes, I guess. Yeah…I tend to ramble when it comes to Hibiscus! LOL Sorry! I think it’s too sweet and/or bitter/tarty-sweet for me.

On the other hand…I think it would work better for me, personally, if I were try it in a smoothie…maybe I will do that πŸ™‚

Oh my…there I go rambling again! hahahahaha…
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Oh – for sure! The level of Vitamin C is CRAZY Awesome!!!! I also know a lot of people choose hibiscus because of it being caffeine free and liking that over the actual teas, etc.

That and I am thinking just the flowers might be better than it being an ingredient or added after thought like some tea company’s do with it. Might have to try it at home like you said πŸ™‚
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Hibiscus? That’s our national flower. Vitamin C? Gee!!! I didn’t know that! Lots of it here.
suituapui recently posted..A little too late…


Wow I had no idea hibiscus was so healthy! Thanks for sharing!
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