Juice Cleanse: Nothing but dark leafy greens

One of my favorite juices consists mainly of dark leafy greens; collards, kale, dandelion, mustard and a variety of other dark leafy greens make their way into my Green Star. I typically add garlic, ginger, lemon or lime and some type of hot pepper.  I find the citric acid from the lemon/lime cut down on the some of the bitterness of the dark leafy greens and all you can taste is the savory aspect of the drink. If I want natural sodium I will add four to six celery stalks. I’m actually craving one of my dark leafy drinks now, but I’ll hold off and wait to juice tomorrow morning.

If I have time I’ll share my ‘lava juice’ recipe. My daughter took one sip of the drink I made and gave it that name. The freshly made juice was very delicious, spicy and hot.

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Speaking of Natural Sodium in Celery…

I saw someone dehydrate celery and then put it in their blender to make his own Celery Salt of sorts.

Eventho I’m not mush of a salt person – I thought this was a great alternative and way to do it at home.
Jennifer recently posted..Up On The Roof


Ha, “lava juice” yes that sounds like something that you would drink… I’m sure that there was plenty of garlic and hot peppers in that one! I think I could keep it down without erupting! 🙂
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