One of my favorite juices consists mainly of dark leafy greens; collards, kale, dandelion, mustard and a variety of other dark leafy greens make their way into my Green Star. I typically add garlic, ginger, lemon or lime and some type of hot pepper. I find the citric acid from the lemon/lime cut down on the some of the bitterness of the dark leafy greens and all you can taste is the savory aspect of the drink. If I want natural sodium I will add four to six celery stalks. I’m actually craving one of my dark leafy drinks now, but I’ll hold off and wait to juice tomorrow morning.
If I have time I’ll share my ‘lava juice’ recipe. My daughter took one sip of the drink I made and gave it that name. The freshly made juice was very delicious, spicy and hot.
Speaking of Natural Sodium in Celery…
I saw someone dehydrate celery and then put it in their blender to make his own Celery Salt of sorts.
Eventho I’m not mush of a salt person – I thought this was a great alternative and way to do it at home.
Jennifer recently posted..Up On The Roof
@Jennifer, I’ve done that also, it’s a great alternative and it’s really good.
Aynaria recently posted..Juice Cleanse: Day 6; no hunger, feeling great!
Ha, “lava juice” yes that sounds like something that you would drink… I’m sure that there was plenty of garlic and hot peppers in that one! I think I could keep it down without erupting! 🙂
Kenny recently posted..A Flurry of Gardening Events Precede Springtime
@Kenny, Challenge accepted!
Aynaria recently posted..Day 7: Juice cleanse; It’s all about the savory…