Knitting: Preemie hats and an Elizabeth cowl; Finished Object Friday

This weeks finished objects were made about a month ago, I just never gotten around to posting them for Finished Object Friday.


Knitting" Preemie hats
Both hats are ribbed stitch followed by rows of stockinette stitch. The purple preemie hat also has a diamond design that wraps around the hat.

These are preemie hats that will be given to a local hospital in my area. It just happens that my mother’s a nurse at that hospital too. No pattern was used. I’ll hold off donating them until I have about thirty hats. Synthetic yarn is what the hospital requires for all the crocheted and knitted preemie hats. Over the past several months I’ve gradually increased my supply of charity stash yarn. The yarns I selected are incredibly soft. All the yarns in that stash are either 100% man made fibers or a cotton/synthetic blend.

Knitting: Elizabeth cowl from book Wendy Knits Lace
This is the Elizabeth cowl, you can find the pattern in Wendy Knits Lace. This cowl was simple to make. It’s squishy soft! I still haven’t decided who’ll get this as a Christmas gift.

Say hello to my knitted Elizabeth cowl. I still need to block this cowl. I found this knitted cowl in the book Wendy Knits Lace. It’s the first time that I ever made a lace project with worsted weight yarn. For some reason I was thinking that title belonged to my Diamonds and Pearls shawl, but obviously I was wrong since I’m still working on that shawl.

This cowl is tucked away in my gift bin. I only make items for those that are craft worthy. Currently I’m unsure of who will be receiving this as a Christmas gift. Decisions, decisions…  But, the good news is that most of my handcrafted Christmas gifts (crocheted, embroidery, knitting, and sewing) are almost complete. Yeah! I started working on my Christmas list in April.

Sites I’m linking too…

  1. Tami’s Ami’s
  2. Wisdom Begins in Wonder
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Those premie hats are adorable, whoever receive them will be touched by your kindness. Love the Elizabeth cowl, it’s simply gorgeous!
Cathy recently posted..Baby Dressage & Charity Rowing: Take Two


As mother of a former preemie, I can guarantee the recipients of those hats will cherish them. We got a couple hand-made quilts when my son arrived early, and it definitely made a tumultuous time a little easier on us! One of these days I need to start making preemie hats for charity, myself. . . 🙂 Yours are very, VERY cute!

I admire you for getting all your holiday crafting done so early, too! I can never seem to do that, myself.
Contessa recently posted..FO Friday: I Can Quit Anytime I Want To


The preemie hats are so cute! I need to follow your example and make some charity knits with my synthetic yarn stash.


Those preemie hats are adorable. I really need to make some more charity hats and scarves to donate. They’ll be needed before long.

It’s funny that you say craftworthy because the hat I posted in my blog was given to a co-worker who I deem unknitworthy but I felt obligated because she is a co-worker and I’m the fiber artist. I justified it because the child who will be wearing it will only have half of the mother’s genetics and hopefully will become knitworthy. I know…I am really sore about how unappreciated the gift was received at the shower yesterday.

Curls and Q

My daughter’s preemie twins were recipients of donated hats. I thank all women such as yourself. It really was touching in a time of stress to get the hats! I did make one each for the boy’s making-up my own pattern too! 8-)Love your daughter’s comment!

Love the cowl! An absolutely gorgeous color! Smiling at the “craft worthy”. You’ve mentioned “Wendy Knits Lace” before. I’m going to have to take a look at that book. 😎

You sure are a busy woman! 😎
Curls and Q recently posted..


Great job with the preemie hats, Opal!!! Very well done.

I remember when my daughter was born (last November), picking out a hat out of the bundle for her. It fitted her so perfectly, we will always cherish it (one of the few things that we will keep forever).
Wailea recently posted..Hello world!

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