More snow; round three

You’d think I’d get tired of getting tired of snow, right? But I’m not, they’re calling for more snow tonight. If we get snow, that will make the third night in a row that we’ve received snow. Currently we have about 15″ of snow outside, perhaps a bit more. I’m not counting.We’ll see how much we receive.

Since I knew that snow was in the forecast for this evening, I dropped off the food at our local homeless shelter (one day early)ย  just to be sure there tomorrow when it’s our church’s turn to prepare the dinner and breakfast and lunch on the following day. Those that sleep at the shelter still need to be fed, right? The homeless shelter depends on the good will of a variety of churches to make sure the guests are fed.

I have not seen this type of weather, in these parts, for quite some time and while I could spend my time whining and complaining about how all the frigid temperatures and snow, events cancelled because of the weather… I’m not! I’m enjoying the difference I’m seeing in the season and realizing that regardless of how cold it may be, I don’t have to worry about shelter each evening, I have enough food to prepare many meals, and much more… I can’t say the same for those who are homeless. But you know what? I’ve interacted with many of them, and several of the ones I’ve talked with have reasons to be thankful.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
I Thessalonians 5:18
New American Standard Bible

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Well, I’m certainly ready for NO SNOW ๐Ÿ™‚ I know you are a fan, tho ๐Ÿ™‚
Stay safe!
Jennifer recently posted..Multi-Purpose Vegan Cheese Sauce, Raw Vegan Veggie Burgers, Trip to Labyrinth, and Gabby Update


We got at least 6 or 7 more inches in a few hours this morning…sigh…
Jennifer recently posted..In My Kitchen – February