Today, after dropping my daughter off at school, I stopped by A.C. Moore and purchased this large skein of yarn; 710 yards total.
Lily is the company that makes this yarn, and the brand is Sugar’n Cream, and it’s 100% cotton! Yeah! This bag can easily be dyed if I choose to do that.
Although, I’ve read favorable reviews about this brand via Ravelry, I get such great crochet and knitting information from that site, this will be my first time working with this brand.
Judging by the crochet bag pattern, I should have more than enough yarn to create the crocheted bag. Since my clients work is completed, its time to pick up my my size J hook, and get busy. Friday will be here before I know it. 😉
Upcoming radish dip recipe; vegetarian
Yesterday, my neighbor gave me a large bag of radishes. We’re always giving each other things… she’s been in our garden many times to get fresh organic vegetables.
You know, I was all over those radishes! I love them, and they add a bit of kick, when you include them into a horseradish dip, which works perfectly with vegetables, hotdogs, and other “dipworthy foods”.
Once things settle down, I’ll try to post at least one horseradish dip recipe. Teeni, the social butterfly, mentioned I should post one a few weeks ago. I’d commented about enjoying a horseradish dip at an event I attended. I believe I did that on Facebook.
Now of course, this means I’ll have to measure the ingredients. Uhm, yippee? Those who know me well realize I don’t follow recipes, I just know what works. Because it’s Teeni, I’ll guess I’ll actually measure what I add to the horseradish dip. 😉
I use other people’s recipes, but doctor them to my taste. Things I have concocted on my own are all according to the “til it looks good” system of measuring. 🙂
DragonLady recently posted..“Put one foot in front of the other…”
Hi @DragonLady, Yeah I do that with most things, even with crafts. I like doing my own thing. The “till it’s good system” rocks. 😉
Aynaria recently posted..Pulling out my hook; Crocheting bag for my daughter’s teacher
YAY! Radish dip! I’ve been so looking forward to this! You are so sweet to actually measure for me! 🙂 I don’t do a lot of measuring myself for my own recipes or ones that I have made so often that I just “know” how much to put in, but it definitely helps when making something for the first few times!
I love Lily’s Sugar and Cream cotton yarns! I’ve made baby toys out of it, my swiffer covers out of it, and recently, a dog toy for my mom’s dog. It’s just a ball, but she loves that thing and protects it like crazy. I think she likes how it feels in her mouth and cuddles with it because it is soft. It’s such a wonderful yarn for so many things. Funny that I never thought about dyeing that neutral color before. What a good idea. 🙂
@Teeni, Yes, after a while you might get to the point where you “know” what’s good.
Thus far, I’ve been enjoying working with Sugar’n Cream.
Aynaria recently posted..Crochet: Tote bag for teacher
[…] is my first time working with Sugar’n Cream yarn . Also, I haven’t used mulberry as a dye in years, I don’t want any unpleasant […]