Raw Vegan Munchies: Two types of crackers and guacamole

This weekend, I made a huge batch of raw vegan crackers and put my 9-tray Excalibur food dehydrator to good use. I made some sweet cookies that my daughter said smelled like banana muffins and I made a huge variety of crackers.

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Raw snacks: Black bean crackers and veggie crackers

My daughter made quick work on the crackers and is slowly making a dent into the vegetable and bean crackers that I made. She said they’re really good.

I thought I’d have a bit more of the black bean crackers for myself since she normally does not like spicy (I added Korean chili pepper and a variety of other hot peppers to the black bean crackers) but she’s loving these and is eating them by the handful.

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Guacamole with black bean crackers and veggie crackers

This morning, I made guacamole. I have not prepared that in a while, and the crackers, chips, whatever you want to call them worked perfect for dipping. Guess what, the veggie cracker were mainly made from juicer pulp. In our household, the pulp never goes to waste. I use it in soups, gumbos, vegan burgers, desserts and raw vegan snacks. Of course, the old standby is compost.

Happy munching!

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I need to bust out my dehydrator MOVES again soon! LOL 🙂 I did Corn Tortillas a while back and they look similar to yours – but – yours look better 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Midweek Munchies is BACK…and a Home-Made Tomato Soup!


Let me see if I can find that post! I will be back hopefully soon with a link 🙂
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Here it is!!!! From 2013 – can’t believe it’s been that long!!!
Jennifer recently posted..ALDI Locations & Vegan Options