Sewing loom woven pillows

Last evening, after my daughter’s homework was completed, she asked if she could sew.

Daughter sewing hand woven fabric_1 9.3.14

Sure, I’d said. Since I already knew what she wanted to sew (a pillow) and what fabric she wanted to use (some of my loom woven fabric.) The only thing she had to do was sew! I had woven this fabric in February, in fact I wrote a post about completing the project. At the time, I didn’t have a project for it, but I had set it aside knowing eventually it would be turned into something.  I pulled that out, cut it into an appropriate size and let her start sewing.


Daughters pillow out of loom woven fabric_1  9.3.14

I must say that my daughter is continuing to make leaps with her sewing capabilities and I’m thrilled that she seems to love it as much as myself. The only thing left to do is stuff the pillow. We’ll purchase the fiberfill this weekend.

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Looking great! Again wonderful colors! Can’t wait to see the finished product! So exciting to she your daughter so jazzed about sewing! That is certainly a craft I lack MAJORLY in is fiber arts! I admire anyone who is into it that is for sure!
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan MoFo ~ Rare Breakfast & Raw Vegan Cheese Sauce


That looks lovely. I like the colours. Very nice.
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