I’ve known about Gingher products for about thirty-six years…
My mother owned a pair of Gingher dressmaking scissors. I was fascinated by them, they were stainless steel, very smooth and oh so shiny! Since the blades were razor sharp, I wasn’t allowed to use them without supervision. After all, I was only six-years old. My mother watched me like a hawk as I carefully cut through fabric. The blades sliced through anything as if it were melted butter. Those scissors aided me in creating a lot of outfits.
Eventually my mother let me have those scissors. I’m guessing because I used them more than she? When I was a child she mainly sewed out of necessity. She didn’t seem to enjoy it as much as myself. The Gingher scissors I inherited from here are small. But, I’ve always wanted to purchase a much larger pair. I just never got around to making that purchase. I mainly use quality rotary cutters for a lot of my fabric cutting, but in some cases nothing beats good quality scissors. Well, my small Gingher scissors will now have a big sister since I purchased much larger pair of Gingher scissors!
I’m willing to spend a bit extra for them since they last much longer than the cheap quality plastic handled scissors you can purchase for a few dollars. Over time, the scissors pay for themselves since I don’t have to keep purchasing those poor quality scissors. I’ve used my Gingher scissors for over thirty years, and am looking forward to using the new pair for a long time also. Great product, excellent company.
Q – Makes me smile. My mom has Ginghers and gave a pair to my sisters and me when we set-up our own housekeeping. As my kids, woe to any one who thought they could try to use them on paper! Had to keep them hidden from kids and husband. 😎 Still going strong after 40 years. 😎
curls and q recently posted..Bucket Brigade and A Jacket; Finished Object Friday
Memories can be great, right@curls and q? I’m fortunate that I have many pleasant memories.
Aynaria recently posted..More thread…
This reminds me that my kitchen scissors are about ready to kick it. I need to buy new ones 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Teff Flour, Cabbage, Matcha, Oh MY!
@Jennifer, I have to get on my daughter about NOT using the kitchen shears for cutting paper. 😉
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