Well, it’s been a busy weekend…
We had an unexpected (but much welcome visit) from my six year old nephew this weekend. He stayed with us while my brother and sister in law moved into their new home, which is just a few states away from us… much closer than Texas that’s for sure!
This meant, that the weekend of sewing and the mommy daughter fest that my daughter and I were both looking forward had to be put off until next weekend. The selfish part of me was a bit disappointed – my daughter and I had been planning this time for weeks. But you know what? Even with the change in plans we still had fun including my nephew/daughter’s cousin into our activities. Guess what? He had a lot of fun too! I took lots of photos, so I’ll be sure to include a few here (within the next few days.) Since the weather was lovely, we stayed outside most of the time, soaking up the sun, breathing in the smog free air and being silly. By the end of each day my daughter and nephew were tired and fell asleep almost instantly after I read them a bedtime story.
Still looking forward to hanging out 1:1 with my daughter next weekend. My daughter was slightly disappointed that our extra special time was put on hold, she didn’t pout and welcomed her cousin into our adventures this past weekend.