Not too long ago, I stumbled on this coffee enemas interview, that Chris Wark had with Dr. Patrick Vickers. For those who don’t know, Chris was able to beat cancer using natural remedies.
The power that can be found in treating various ailments using natural remedies is possible if only people are willing to open their minds, research and try them out for themselves. Of course it doesn’t help that the medical establishment, pharmaceutical companies and numerous other sources can be quick to label ‘alternative treatments’ as quackery.
Eliminating cancer naturally isn’t new to myself since I’ve personally met a few people who have treated cancer and other life threatening ailments with natural remedies.
Perhaps Dr. Patrick Vickers is on to something? That some of the components found within coffee beans are capable of helping the body release some of the every day toxic waste were are exposed to daily. From my readings it seems to help the liver. Interesting indeed…
While some believe that our bodies are capable of filtering out all these poisonous waste I don’t agree. I call them poisonous because over time, what we consume or are exposed to can affect our health in a negative way. It’s my belief, that we unknowingly overload our systems with a variety of substances (pollution, things we might consume, products applied to our bodies) it was never meant to be exposed too and one way we can counter that is through various methods of cleansing.

Occasionally, I use coffee enemas, and have done so for quite some time. Without getting to graphic, I noticed that when taking coffee enemas what was released smelled fouler than some of my other enemas. However several months ago, I started doing more research about them and I must say that I’m impressed with what I’ve been learning. I’m still reading, but all signs point to the fact that I will most likely start doing them more often.