Onion broth based soup

This morning at 5:00 a.m., you would find me at my local gym, tucked away in the sauna producing a healthy sweat. Which is to be expected when the temperature sits comfortable at 180F. It felt great!

Once I arrived home, I whipped up this following Broth based soup. I’m sipping on it now.  Simple, but so delicious! Good thing I have leftovers!

Onion broth based soup
Recipe Type: Soup
Author: Opal
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 8 medium onions
  • 3 broccoli florets
  • 8 garlic cloves
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 2 habañero peppers
  • 1 tsp himalayan sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp black seeds
  1. Add 2 cups of water to pressure cooker.
  2. Add produce and seasonings
  3. Cook for 15 minutes
  4. Puree ingredients with handheld blender or stick in blender
  5. Serve & Enjoy


Summer Weaving

Whoo boy! This summer is flying by.

I’m deep into cleansing and battling some unpleasant side effects, however the silver lining is I know I’ve hit breakthrough with the candida and that makes me feel good. Since I’m forcing myself to behave and REST this coming weekend I’ve decided that I’ll spend some of my time weaving!

I love this hand woven design and the music is beautiful!

Beatrice Pichi Anil

The lovely music is Cancin Sagrada De La Laguna and it’s sung by Beatric Pichi. It’s my first time hearing of her and I must say that I’m enjoying this song and others immensely.

Today, after my daughter’s swim class, I’ll set up my loom and this coming weekend, it’s on! I’ll be a weaving fool. You know something I was knitting last evening.

Learning to swim

Recently, I enrolled my daughter into an eight session private lesson swimming class. Today was her second day and she started swimming! A few years ago, I tried to teach her but she was much to reliant on mommy always being there to venture out and try on her own. I figured hiring a swimming teacher for private lessons was a great option since she would not be as dependent on her (since she didn’t know her) and that would force her to learn some of the basic skills on her own. This summer, it looks like we’ll be spending more time at the pool.

Mini Beet Protocol – Update

The past few weeks, I’ve been incorporating the mini beet protocol into my daily routine.  I first heard about this method from Robert von Sarbacher’s website.

If you read the article, you’ll see that there are a lot of claims made about the mini beet protocol. Since I juice daily, I thought I’d add beets to the mix. Well.. it’s been a few weeks and I will say that I’ve seen some improvements to my already healthy lifestyle.

But more about that in a later post. Check out the interview that Extreme Health Radio did with Robert Sorbacher.

July juice cleanse

I’m doing another juice cleanse. I must say that I really enjoy taking a break from solids throughout the year. I’m definitely not depriving my body of nutrients since I getting nutrients in a super concentrated form thanks to the variety of freshly prepared juices I consume throughout the day. Of course I’m still exercising and slipping in sauna sessions too. All those combined give me more energy than normal. Which is saying a lot, since I already have a high amount of energy.

My Workout/Office Bottles: Klean Kanteen

Kleen-Kanteen-Loop-Cap-Bottle-40-ozWhether I’m heading to work or going to the gym, you’ll always see with my faithful companion, my stainless steel Klean Kanteen. I’m not too fond of plastic, I can always taste the “plasticy” taste even in the ones that are supposedly BPA free.  There quite a few studies that seem to suggest that “BPA free” aren’t as safe as some might have though.

But back to my stainless steel bottles. The one I take to the office holds 40 ounces of liquid and the bottle that accompanies me to the gym holds 64 ounces.

Earlier this week, I ordered one more 40 oz  Klean Kanteen. Judging by UPS tracking, It arrived this morning.  This will be one of my little gifts for my father. His birthday is next week, but I’m giving it to him today. My dad will be 75, he’s still very muscular and physically active. Lord willing, I’ll be a lot like him at that age. He can use it when he goes to the gym.

Kleen Kanteen All Stainless Steel Loop Cap

I also ordered two stainless steel bottle caps to replace a few of the stainless steel/plastic caps I own.

Over the years, I’ve given a few away of the Klean Kanteen bottles. I must say that they were much appreciated by their recipients. These are well constructed stainless steel bottles. Besides a few dings that my workout bottle receives from being banged around, they are doing well and will continue to serve me well for several more years.