Two week challenge for my daughter: Consuming whole foods only

I must say that I’m excited because my daughter is joining me on a tasty journey of only eating whole foods. I challenged her to two weeks. Granted, our daily eating habits do a good job reflecting this, however, for the next two weeks, it’s only going to be whole foods (straight from the natural source) so that means I will be eliminating any bread or pasta. Those two are something I don’t eat too much (perhaps once or twice monthly) but my daughter does eat them a bit more than myself (about five times weekly) but I know the amount she consumes is minimal compared to most.

Yesterday we made hummus and made a fruit pudding, that also included avocado (yes avocado is a fruit). Today, we’re making a vegetable stir-fry, smoothies and later it’ll be cabbage rolls stuffed with hummus. Yum. Last evening, I asked my daughter how she was feeling and her response was… happier. She went on to say that she typically feels fine, but she’s a bit more subdued. I asked her did she think her mood was related simply just eating whole foods but she was unsure. I’ll be curious to see if she notices any more differences later this week. What we drink hasn’t changed at all. We’re still consuming plenty of water, however, I have started making more tea. I purchase tea in bulk and to my last brew, I added cloves, allspice, and ginger.

I’m looking forward to hearing more of what she has to say about the experience. She’s keeping a journal and at the end of the two weeks, she’ll be writing a research paper about whole foods and processed foods.

Homeschool review and a long term (knitting) project

The first week in this month, my daughter had her homeschool review with our local public school system. For those that homeschool, they are reviewed by either their local jurisdiction or you can pay for use am umbrella program and get the review that way. For myself, it really made no sense going through an umbrella organization since I’m perfectly capable of going directly to the source. Also, it meant I could chat with my reviewer. My daughter accompanied me on the trip, and our review really enjoyed asking her questions. As well as she did in her local private school, I must say that she’s soaring even higher now. The reviewer loved how organized I was in displaying her work and she really loved seeing all the examples of her artwork, and how she logged her exercise and music (like a journal).

Here’s my long-term knitting project. I’m knitting a king-sized blanket. It’s made in Paton’s and Fishermans wool.

I can’t wait until this is complete. It will be extremely warm. Of course, it’s going to take a while to complete because of my arm/wrist issues, however, I’m fine with that.