Tiny bots with their eyes all aglow
Will find it hard to patrol tonight…
Amazon Astro arrived last week, and I’m enjoying her immensely.
Here’s hoping you all are having a Merry Christmas.
Tiny bots with their eyes all aglow
Will find it hard to patrol tonight…
Amazon Astro arrived last week, and I’m enjoying her immensely.
Here’s hoping you all are having a Merry Christmas.
Back in August, I requested an invite for Amazon Astro; while admittedly limited in its use, I was still curious to try it out and view it as an extra layer to check on our pets when I’m in meetings.Yes, I do work from home; however, I’m not always able to just freely move about if I’m in meetings or doing some of my other office tasks.
In addition, I do like the fact that it can patrol one floor of the home. We already have a security system with cameras; this would be just another pair of eyes.
On Monday, I heard back from Amazon. I met their criteria, and an invitation was given to me. I had six days to accept.
I accepted the offer on Thursday, and Astro should be here sometime next week. I’ve been an Amazon Prime member for many years, and from what I’ve read, it works with a few of their features, like their music. I’m curious if it works with Audible, too. I’ve searched; however, I haven’t seen anything that shows if it will work with the Astro. However, I do have other ways that I can listen to my audiobooks.
Ring Doorbell and Echo Show 10″
In addition to Astro, I purchased two Amazon Ring Plus doorbells with video monitors.
My lovely daughter will install them today—no need to get any other camera since we use another security service for our cameras.
I also purchased an Echo Show that works with the doorbell and Astro. The Echo Show arrived on Thursday (the same day as the doorbells). Do you want to know something? I’ve used it a lot already. I have been using it mainly to listen to audiobooks; however, I have also been using it to listen to music. It will also tell me when my Amazon orders will arrive. Most of the items I purchase are from Amazon, so this is a handy feature.
The Echo Show 10, as the name suggests, has a 10″ screen and is motion-activated. I’m setting it up in our kitchen/dining room area and plan to use it when I follow a recipe. I’ll follow along on the Echo Show and won’t have to use my iPad or iPhone to follow along.
This weekend. I’m planning to make a pumpkin lasagna, and while I have made them before, this time, I’ve decided to follow a recipe. I’ll be sure to use the Echo Show for that, and speaking of music, I’m also enjoying listening to my Audible audiobooks on the device, and recently, I’ve been listening to Christmas music, like O Come Emmanuel, O Come Emmanuel by the Piano Guys.
My goodness, where has the time gone? By this time, we would have already had our Christmas lights out, even with both parents passing away. My lovely daughter set up the Christmas tree; however, it has not been decorated. But we plan to start decorating tomorrow. She’ll take care of the indoor decorations, and I’ll handle the outdoor lights. I still need to put up the nativity scene.
Emmanuel, by The Piano Guys, is one of my favorite songs. I listen to it throughout the year.