A new (to me) Planner: Franklin Covey Day Planner

In my last post, I mentioned that I was acquiring a planner and here it is, says hello to my ‘new to me’ Franklin Covey (Classic) Day Planner.  After a lot of research, I decided that my planner of choice would be a Franklin Covey and although I was impressed with the videos and written posts about them, I decided that I didn’t want to spend that type of money to purchase a new planner. From my research, new this planner cost over $100 however, I was able to purchase it for under $25. Yes, that included shipping. Where did I purchase my planner? Ebay of course! I went on the website and found exactly what I was looking for and it had the added bonus of this cute hangtag.  Do you see what it says?

“Attitude is everything!” Isn’t that the truth, if we’re constantly filled with negativity, is it any surprise that the ‘world is against us?” 🙂 The ‘world’ really isn’t,  but at times our negative attitude pits us against ourselves whether we know it or not. But back to the planner. It arrived at my house quickly. I won the bid for it on Friday and Monday it arrived!

This Franklin Covey Classic day planner was in amazing condition and after wiping it down with a soft cloth and adding my own homemade leather conditioner, it looked as good as new. I’ve had this planner for almost a month and I must say that I’m thrilled with this purchase. I use it daily. Currently, I am on the lookout for a Franklin Covey Monarch day planner. Why would I want one? For my 8″ x 11″ documents that I don’t want to fold in half when I give information to clients, I never fold their paperwork, however, what they do after I give it to them is their prerogative. Another bonus for the Franklin Covey planners is that they will last years since they only thing that “needs” to be changed is the paper and since I’ve been making my own inserts, I save even more money.


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Jennifer Bliss

Hi! Long time! So sorry!

I have a lot of catching up to do! So glad you are back blogging!

I enjoyed hearing about your new planner! I love the ‘Attitude is Everything’ charm, too!

(btw…the comment link back has an error…Error. Parsing JSON Request failed. error! not authorized 1024c09e28 – just thought you might want to know)

Mitch Mitchell

What’s funny is that I just left the Franklin Planner for what’s called the Passion Planner. I was with Franklin for 10 years or so and decided I wanted a change. It’s thinner and easier to hold onto, but I’m keeping the overall folio in case I decide to go back to it. I hope it works out well for you.