Yesterday, thanks to the snow we received, my daughter’s Lutheran school, had a two hour delay. Which was perfect since it meant I was able to complete some work around the home.
One thing I did with the two extra hours before I went into work, was to prepare this above vegan dish to put into my daughter’s lunch. Of course it’s colorful! We both enjoy seeing color in our food. It was also quite delicious.
I also set aside some of the dish and added rice, see? The same dish with a little something, something, added. 😉
I need to post some pics…I did a bean salad with tomato, avocado, corn, etc…it was wonderful! That was my dinner last night 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Stocking Up on The Raw Food World
@Jennifer, I’ll keep a lookout. I love beans, but eat them in moderation. These days, all my beans are prepared in my pressure cooker.
Aynaria recently posted..Meyers Briggs: What’s your personality type?
Well, I’m doing something a bit different this week – swing by when you have time – would love some input and encouragement 🙂 Thanks girl!
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