A tad busy; assignments, gardening, and new stitches, oh my…

The past few days have been busy, which meant I haven’t had a chance to respond many of the comments on Celebrate Life. Thanks for responding, I should be able to get to those this weekend.

This morning I finished a few clients projects. Which means, I have the entire weekend to spend with my daughter. Yeah! I’m looking forward to that.

Also this morning, an article that I’d written on one of my business sites went viral, and so that’s received more activity than normal. I must say,  it’s been interesting seeing the amount of activity/sales that’s generated. The thing is, I wrote that article last year.

That site has done well monetarily, but I’m seeing a nice jump because of a recommendation from someone I never even met. I write under a pseudonym with my business sites.

I’ve received an award

The lovely and talented knitter; Michelle, of Will Knit for Food, awarded me with; The Versatile Blogger award, and so I’ll be linking to her tomorrow, and posting my selections for ‘Versatile blogger’. I do hope you stop by and check out some of the sites I’ll be mentioning. With some, I’ve ‘known’ the bloggers for a while, and others are fairly new to me; the bottom line they’re great bloggers, and I hope you stop by their virtual homes and say hello.

Playing in dirt

Earlier this evening, we planted flowers outside, or should I say “I planted them.”

My eight-year old daughter got distracted by playing., and who could blame her? It’s a beautiful day in Maryland, and so I took regularly paused to watch her frolic about the yard, while I planted the lovely flowers. I’ll post pictures this weekend.posting that tomorrow.

Smelling the roses

Thankfully my day is winding down, and now I’m hanging with my daughter. I’m in the process of learning a beautiful crochet stitch; shell stitch.

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Jeremy@sports betting

Hi Opal, life is really hectic and it is up to you to find some reason to enjoy the tines moments you can get. I would say that you are certainly celebrating life.
Jeremy@sports betting recently posted..seaniemac


Congratulations to your award! That must be really a big deal! Keep up the good work!
Laura recently posted..Beer and toothache through London


Wow! Such a nice video! wish I could make some stitches like this. Unfortunately, I am not talented enough for that. By the way, congrats to your award and I wish you a beautiful weekend with your daughter!
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