Could the weekend have flown by any faster?
We did make it to the Boumi Carnival on Saturday and my daughter and I had a lot of fun. I even introduced her to funnel cake. She had it when she was very young, but does not remember it at all. She really liked the “cake.” Admittedly, it’s not the healthiest snack out there since it’s cake dough deep fried and then sprinkled with powdered sugar. 🙂
The fun did not stop there, shortly afterwards we headed up to the BFs house. He lives in a four bedroom home. My daughter and I have our own rooms for the times we do something late and I don’t feel like driving home. Since I was already wiped out from doing chores around the home, that’s exactly what we did. The room that I’ve claimed is right next to my daughters. At times, she’ll pop by in the wee hours of the morning to chat.
The evening was spent hanging together being silly and playing games on the BFs Wii. I am happy to say that I kicked both of their behinds in bowling, although when we swapped to 100 pins I did not do as well. I thought I came in last place, but my daughter said I came in second.
Of course, there was plenty of food available all prepared by me. I can’t complain since I do I love cooking. Yesterday, before we returned home, I made a lot of food so the only thing he has to do is heat and prepare throughout the week. What did I make?
Let’s see…
- Plain garbanzo beans to be added to different dishes
- Chick pea stir fry
- Eggrolls (vegan and chicken)
- Turkey burgers
With all the rush, I completely forgot to take photos of what I prepared… and since we were visiting the BF, it’s not like today I can snap a picture of what I prepared. Whoops! However, when talking to him last evening, he did tell me that he would take a few pictures for me. I only hope he does before he starts eating the food. Heh! 😉
Of course… the forgetfulness didn’t stop with the food pictures! Sighs
The past week or so, I’ve been knitting washcloths. Last weekend, I gave him one and since he raved about it so much, I decided to make him some more. And what’s not too love about a knitted washcloth or dishtowel? They’re awesome, super absorbent cloths.
By Saturday, I had already knitted five washcloths for him and I was prepared to give them to him during our visit; however, I left the washcloths home in my knitting bag. D’Oh! Oh well… I might see him during the week and I’ll gift him with the knitted washcloths at that time.
This weekend, we’ll be visiting his parents in Delaware. I’m already trying to decide what fresh produce (from the garden) that I’ll gift them with. I’ll have to ask the BF what they like.
Hmmm…signs that one is in love, lost in a world of one’s own…and that is when one gets absent-minded and forgetful. Wink! Wink!
suituapui recently posted..It’s good to see you again…
@suituapui, I blame it on exhaustion. I’m definitely in love, but there is way too much going on to be lost in my own little world. I’ll save that for those with no adult responsibilities. I’m sure that will be my daughter before I know it, lol.
Aynaria recently posted..Leftovers (Vegan)
Fun weekend
And yes it went by too fast
I have something to share about our weekend too but didn’t blog about it quite yet
Jennifer recently posted..I’ve Been Drinking Again!
@Jennifer, Oh really? I’ll have to pop on by and see what’s up!
Aynaria recently posted..A bit nutty
hopefully later today I will post that surprise LOL
Jennifer recently posted..Spiralizers, Noodles, and Quick Meals
@Jennifer, Yeah!
Aynaria not only came over and gifted me SIX more wash cloths, which makes one foe every day of the week, but she also cooked some amazing meals meals for me!! As I said before, I never even tasted food before until I met Aynaria. She made me delicious dishes with black Eyed Peas and so many delicious flavors! We just spent the weekend with my parents, where they both absolutely fell in love with Aynaria and her daughter! We had the BEST time everrrr!!! Thanks, Aynaria and J. Thanks, Mom and Dad! I love you all!!
@Pete J., I’m thrilled that you loved the washcloths. It was a lot of fun making them. The added bonus is that I enjoy cooking. Thankfully for you, you get to reap the benefits of that. 😉
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