Thus far, I must say that I’m pleased with my cleansing process...
I haven’t changed the way I eat, but I have introduced herbs, enemas and various other items that are specifically focused on bowel care. You know something? I always found it a bit strange that bowel health wasn’t talked about openly. The primary function of the colon is to reabsorb nutrients, along with water, into our bodies. Ever wonder what happens if our digestive system isn’t working correctly? If we aren’t experiencing proper elimination, an impacted bowl can lead to a variety of issues such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis and colon cancer.
I can’t help but think that a lot of the bowel issues that many experience could be avoided if more would just be open about it. Proper bowel care is a topic discussed in our household armed with the information I’m hoping, as my daughter gets older, she will continue to make choices that will improve her bowel health.
Hopefully later this week, I’ll have a chance to write about using enemas/colonics to improve your overall health…
Bowel health isn’t an embarrassing topic for me. I learned about it’s importance from my own mother and my grandmother (father’s mom.)
Matt Monarch talks about it openly on his channel as well! He’s very much an educator and I have learned a lot but haven’t put much of that knowledge to the test (yet).
There is ALWAYS more to learn, that is for sure! I’m glad you post stuff here to help me continue my education on the topic! Thanks!
Jennifer recently posted..Paco’s Pouting, Suzie’s Scratching, The Rouse is Rockin’, and Sassy Cheesy Salsa
@Jennifer, Oh yeah, I remember Matt. I chatted with him a few times via email right when he was starting to get popular.
So… what are you waiting for? 😉 At times, we need to just make the leap (armed with the proper tools of course.) Cleansing at home doesn’t have to be expensive. There is lots of information out there that is helpful.
Several years ago, I cured myself, when the doctors and medications wasn’t helping. Lots of tests, radiation injection that failed (boy did that burn.) I stopped going to them when they wanted to remove my gall bladder, but in the next breath told me they really weren’t sure what was wrong with me. Yeah, I don’t think so…
With this cleanse I lost nine pounds, I’m not overweight, but I knew (since I had digestive issues) that there had to be a lot of backed up fecal matter, since when I did start to have bowl movements once again, the output didn’t match the days I’d missed … I definitely did not want that stuff to stay inside me, since that can contribute to a whole world of issues since it’s being reabsorbed back into your system. Which meant, it was time for me to stop farting around and get aggressive about cleaning my colon. 😉
Aynaria recently posted..Whisked away for surgery
Love your blog. Guess it’s called blog.
Good you introduced enemas into your healing.
Growing up enemas were a common home remedy given. My mom and nurse aunt were believers in a daily BM.
Glad you are telling, so others can learn, with holding and being constipated is holding harmful toxins in.
Bless you
I will write more later. You’re right..can always learn more
Hello Carol,
My apologies for the delayed response.
Yes, I learned the same from my mother and my father’s mother. It’s interesting to read up on enemas and how commonplace they were until a few decades ago. If I’m constipated, I become concerned since as you mentioned my body is holding onto waste, which is not good for my health. I do try to make sure I eat a lot of fiber daily. I’m currently drinking a savory green smoothie that has six cups of kale, tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic, ginger, and lime. I love the taste.