If you were to make a surprise visit to our home (on a evening or weekend) you’d find our home buzzing with creative activities.

Naturally, I’m one proud mamma! She handled my Brother PC-420 like a pro.
The most recent project my daughter completed was a case for her Wacom Splash tablet. You can see her sewing the fabric (the wrong sides are showing) in the above photos.
She’s been thrilled with how quickly she’s advanced with her sewing. I told her that her first “big project” could be leggings. She wears those a lot.

Before sewing the tablet cover, she completed the above pillow case. Notice a theme? My daughter loves pink.
My daughter didn’t use a pattern for her two sewing projects. I had her measure the pillow and tablet, write the measurements on paper and then I helped her draft a pattern from that. She was thrilled with how simple it was to complete. I did tell her that pattern drafting can get complicated, but once you’re comfortable with doing them, it’s no big deal. It just takes practice and it’s important to not rush… take your time!
She wasn’t the only one working on crafts. You could see me knitting the checkered cowl.

If I work on it today, I should be finished since I only have about six rows to knit.
Whomever is the recipient will have a nice cowl. I used my size 4 Hiya Hiya knitting needles with worsted wool. Because of the small needles used, it’s made the fabric dense. Which will be perfect for keeping out the cold.
Such a beautiful family – you two! She’s so talented! Just like her mom! Great projects!
Jennifer recently posted..Green Garlic, Weather, Leftovers, Cancer Sucks, Buying Bulk, Bangkok Rice Crisps, Daiya Wildtree Nacho Cheese, Raw(ish) Vegan Vodka Sauce,
Thanks @Jennifer, We have so much fun together. Currently, she says I’m her favorite person to hang out with. I feel the same way.
Aynaria recently posted..Adventures in Knitting: Signature Convertible Needles
Awesome! I hope it stays that way! That age is so hard but she’s a special girl so I know she will handle it well! 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..My Many Mason Jars & The Vineyard is GREEN
I think I made my first pillow case in my late teens or early 20’s. All the sewing I did with the machine in the house was mostly to alter my shirts to make them more body-hugging. Those were the days when I was slim and trim… Sobssss!!!!!!
suituapui recently posted..Bad reputation…
@suituapui, Oh you should share some of your altered body-hugging shirts on your site. Or were you wearing some of your altered shirts in the photos you’ve already shared on your site?
Aynaria recently posted..Adventures in Knitting; Checkered Cowl is finished!
Q – Wonderful! I had my granddaughter sew leggings when I visited Hawaii in March. Great minds!
curls and q recently posted..Pretties In The Mail
@curls and q, Indeed! My daughter is thrilled and I’m looking forward to her making her first “real clothes” too. It’s a wonderful feeling wearing something you’ve created.
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