Another Purchase ; Early birthday surprise – iPad Mini

My daughter’s eleventh birthday is next week.  Earlier today I went ahead and purchased the iPad mini for her from Best Buy. I ordered it online and took her with me to pick it up from our local store. My was she excited! Apple iPad mini

Since I’m transitioning to digital books I thought it was wise to switch her to the same format. She loves to read also. So why the early birthday gift? My daughter’s birthday falls during the school week. Since she stays busy with classwork I thought I’d let her have her “big gift” today. It would give her more of a chance to enjoy the gift. This gift, wasn’t a surprise, since I asked her would she like an iPad mini as a gift. While I’m typing this post, she’s sitting beside me reading a digital copy of one of the books in the The Dork Diaries series.  I’ve already perused the book series so I know that it’s age appropriate.

internet keeping kids safe

Online security:  Keeping your children safe

I’ve always loved Apple’s parental controls and so I’ve enabled that on her iPad mini. Additionally,  I’ve installed McGruff Safeguard. This replaces the standard internet browser and can be tweaked to ensure that your children’s time on the internet is a much safer experience. Of course, the number one way to accomplish this is to continually check to make sure that your child isn’t stumbling upon inappropriate sites. There is so much out there, it makes sense to be cautious.

Of course, there will be a few crafty surprises on her actual birthday, but I’m not mentioning them here since she does (occasionally) read my website.

Sending early birthday wishes to my lovely daughter.

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I need to get a new iPad at some point. The one I am using is one of the first ones! LOL – Some of the aps won’t update because it’s so old. We have made a few purchases lately and I hope to blog about them soon, too! One being a Chrome Based Netbook – only because we only wanted to spend $200 and needed it FAST (due to an emergency)
Jennifer recently posted..Monday Morning Container Garden Surprises!


Been wanting to get one for my girl but she simply refuses. Insists on using the simplest phones – can call and can send messages, good enough for her.
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