Apple Mac: Making the move to Snow Leopard 10.6

Apple-Snow-Leopard.07.01.10.jpgThe day before I went on vacation for Independence day I finally got around to installing Snow Leopard on my 17″ MacBook Pro.

The transition went smoothly. I encountered a few bumps after installation. For example, my System Preferences weren’t responding, thankfully it was a simple fix and I was up and running after deleting a file went wild.

In order to assist me with the new Mac OS, I’m purchasing Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Missing Manual that will get me up to speed on the majority of things within the new Mac OS. I’ve a huge fan of David Pogue. His website, I really enjoy his writing style (his website and New York Times column – Pogues Post are in my RSS feed rotation) and have read many of his technology books.

It’s been a week, since I’ve installed Snow Leopard and I’m happy to say that I still haven’t encountered any major problems. The minor issues I did encounter were easily resolved by visiting the official Apple Mac forums. I’ll be sure to post some of the tips I’ve learned along the way.

Moving from Tiger to Snow Leopard 10.6 has brought quite a few changes to the Mac OS. However it’s not enough to make you lost if your upgrading from Tiger. I really like that. I’ll eventually get around to check out all the new features within Snow Leopard but for now, I’m happily doing my normal activities on my 17″ MacBook Pro.

Technorati Tags:
Apple, MacBook Pro, Moondancer, Snow Leopard, Technology

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