Apples and strawberries: Juice of the day

Strawberries and applesI juice almost daily. The only time I don’t juice is when I have leftover juice from the day before.

Here’s what I juiced this morning.

  1. 5 medium sized Apple
  2. 1 cup of strawberries
  3. 1 cup of spinach
  4. 1.5″ Ginger

I’m not sure what I call this, but it tasted great. I much prefer savory drinks, but I wanted something sweet and this was wonderful. With this high energy drink, who needs coffee? I never was a coffee drinker.

Guess what? The BF, hasn’t had coffee in over three weeks. He’s juicing also. Initially he was shocked that he did not need coffee as a stimulant in the morning, but now… not so much. I told him, I’d turn him into a juicer. If you’d have asked him a few months ago would he be juicing produce he would have laughed and said, no. In fact… he did. 😉

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This looks and sounds amazing
I posted about some juices I had while on vacation
I’m waiting for my slowstar juicer to come in
Jennifer recently posted..Raw Eats, Organic Fresh Pressed Juices, Salads, and More from West Palm Beach


Thanks for visiting!!! I just got done posting some more pics! I’m slowly but surely getting thru my vacation posts! LOL
Jennifer recently posted..Organic Herb & Vegetable Garden at The Breakers


I have not juiced ginger before. This recipe sounds interesting. I assume it is a little spicy because of the ginger.
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