About an hour ago, I decided to take a few outdoor photos so you can see what we view daily.Β The majority of the food we consume comes straight from our garden. Which means our produce is fresh and organic.
A few days ago, I made a pumpkin curry. Currently, I have the seeds from that pumpkin drying in my Excalibur food dehydrator. I have no idea what I’ll make with this one? Perhaps a pumpkin pie or a pumpkin banana curry? We’ll see…
Today I’m canning. You are looking at some of the tomatoes that did not make it into my stockpot. I am canning marinara and pasta sauce.
I love eating string beans raw or lightly sauteed in a skillet.
I also love dry beans. I have an Excalibur food dehydrator; however, I’ve always preferred drying my beans outdoors. Afterwards, I shell the dried beans, set aside for storage, and prepare them (when needed) in my pressure cooker. I use the cooked beans in our meals.
We have an abundance of sage. I love its scent and enjoy adding it to a variety of dishes.
Here’s an up close and personal shot of one of our collard plants. Oh my they are so good. They make the perfect wrap and they are quite tasty in a stir fry.
This is a picture of our woods. We live on four acres of land, about three acres is woods.
Is this a munchie post? It is in our household, since we mainly eat whole foods. Which simply means as close to the natural food source as possible. Because of that, I’m linking up to Midweek Munchies.
This is absolutely a MWM (MidWeek Munchies) Post!!! Thanks so much for sharing and participating!!! YAY! That’s quite the harvest haul! LOVING it! I wish I could get that type of results! My father said that once he retires he is thinking about doing a good sized garden! I hope he does! I think that I wold be over weekly trying to help when I can and also grabbing what I can to take home! LOL π
Jennifer recently posted..MidWeek Munchies: Trader Joes & Walmart
@Jennifer, I’ll try to make an effort to participate. Oh we have a lot more than this. Earlier today, I brought in some sweet potatoes. I think I’ll make a sweet potato banana curry today along with a homemade pizza.
I enjoy gardening. π
Aynaria recently posted..Autumn Harvest 2015
Your produce looks fantastic and I love the sound of pumpkin and banana curry.
Caroline recently posted..Mid Week Munchies
@Caroline, Thank you and thanks so much for stopping by. π
Aynaria recently posted..Beginning and an end…
Now that’s one lovely pumpkin! Wish I had green fingers too, would love to grow my own.
suituapui recently posted..Do withoutβ¦
@suituapui, I know. I love it too. I forgot that this is the pumpkin that my daughter has set aside to carve, so I will not be using this for cooking. π I will harvest the seeds and dehydrate them. Dried pumpkin seeds are a delicious snack.
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