Avoiding candida triggers

The past few weeks, I’ve been really toying with sticking to a “candida free” routine. I must admit, that at times it can be frustrating. After all… I do eat healthy. My daily intake consists of whole foods. I rarely eat processed and if I do the ‘processing’ has been done by myself. However, over the years I have developed candida. Which is just an overgrowth of fungus within our bodies. We all have candida, it only becomes a problem when there’s an overgrowth.

I’m trying to think how I could have developed an overgrowth? I don’t take any medications at all, no antibiotics… I DO eat fermented foods and there have been times when I have gotten a bit crazy with the amount that I did consume; kimchi, sauerkraut, water kefir are a few that I can think about.

I’m happy to say that the foods that I’ve been consuming have been”candida-free.” I’ll be sure to post pictures of some of the foods that I have been consuming, once things calm down a bit… and yes, drinking green smoothies/juices are playing heavily into what I consume daily. My green smoothies are savory. An acquired taste… for some, but I happen to love savory over sweet.

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It’s so frustrating when things like this aren’t from food! Could it be stress? Or atmospheric?
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