This past Saturday, I spent a lot of time canning. I much prefer canning my produce than buying the jarred version in stores. The reason is simple, it’s not loaded with preservatives and a lot of extra junk I don’t need. It simply contains produce, spices and the occasional sweetness.
The pears all came from our pear tree and there’s plenty more where those came from so I’ll be canning for a little while. Later this week, I’m hoping to make strawberry jam and a spicy habañero jelly.
OMG – sounds like wonderful flavors and projects here! I wish I could SMELL them! 😛
Jennifer recently posted..State of Bliss Travel Blog
@Jennifer, It was delicious. My daughter will have plenty to eat for quite some time. We still have canned food from 2012. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Sewing Adventures: Draping a cowl and making a pattern
2012 – that’s awesome!!!!!
Jennifer recently posted..Furkids Updates, Feathered Friends, & Finders-Keepers