Wow, has it been super busy for me. I blink… and it’s December. I still have so much to do before my daughter is out of school for the Christmas holidays. We have treat bags to make and I have a few items to knit and sew and also some soap that needs to be made. Sighs… I cannot complain. I do make time to smell the roses, regardless of how busy I am.
This is the first time I’ve been on a computer in almost a week and it shows, since it’s the only time I write my blog posts. While I have written blog posts on my iPad, I really don’t like it that much and so I still do the bulk of my posting on an actual computer.

A few weeks ago, I made this card for my cousin. Like me, she’s a Christian and so I added some Christian sentiments to her card. I’ve used this stamp once before and I thought it would be nice to use it again for her. I also made a matching envelope and included a few home made lip balms in her note. My goodness it took me a while to mail that out, but I finally did.