Cleansing adventures: Thinking of water fasting

The past few days I’ve been thinking about doing a water fast…


And while some will recommend prepping yourself by setting aside days to ‘eat healthy’ before going on a water fast. Well, there’s really no reason for me to wait, since the only things I mainly consume is whole foods.

I’ve done a few water fasts. I don’t do them for weight loss. I’m not overweight. I have found that liquid fasts have been a nice way to give the digestive system a break and in some cases, they’ve been very effective at healing minor ailments. I’ve also read accounts of them used to heal major issues. 



Of course I’m including one of April Goodwin’s videos. She’s very informative and I love her energy.


I’m also including one of lifegenerators videos, not necessarily for his talk about water fasting. I just really enjoy hearing him talk about how he deals with negativity. I agree with him, negativity directed at you can be a chance to grow. I also agree, that at times, we can bring a lot of negativity on us.


Will I be doing enemas while water fasting? You better believe it! Most likely my enema of choice will be a simple water enema. I will add a few teaspoons of sea salt to ensure that my body’s electrolyte balance stays normal.

I’ve done water fasts before, I remember a few times some the third or fourth day wasn’t so great, but afterwards it was smooth sailing.  I now wonder if some of the discomfort I felt could have been eliminated if I’d included enemas into my fasting routine. Enemas would have definitely added my body in flushing out the toxic waste that my body was dumping as I gave my digestive system a break. It’ll be interesting to see if the first few days will be different since I’d be adding enemas. We’ll see…

Will I start a water fast within a few days? Oh, I might… physically I’m definitely ready, I just have to make sure I’m prepared mentally.

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DAN THE MAN!!!! I’ve watched his/followed him for about 4 years or so! I do need to catch up on his videos tho! I also purchased his most recent DVD as well! LOTS of neat ideas that guy has! Good luck with your cleanse!
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