The past few days I’ve been craving vegetable fried rice and so yesterday I made some.
I pulled out my mortar and pestle. In the mortar I ground cardamom, cumin, black pepper, and sea salt. I put that in a dish and then ground up some garlic and ginger.
I grabbed peppers and okra that were picked from the garden, chopped them up and set them aside. Squash, which also came from the garden, was chopped up and set aside.
The onions, garlic, and ginger were added to my wok. I stirred until the onions were clear. I then added squash. After a few minutes I added brown rice, which had been cooked in my small Presto 8 qt. pressure cooker. The rice turned out fluffy and separated. Perfect steamed rice! I cooked everything for a few minutes.
I then pushed the food to the side of the wok and added egg to the wok. One of the many things I like about a wok is you can have many things going on at the same time. I didn’t use to add egg this way, but months ago tried it out after learning about the tip from Suituapui. Thanks Arthur!
This might not look like a lot of food, but it actually is, the wok is huge and has been in my possession for over twenty years. I used it when I was in college.
A few minutes more and the dish was done. The last two minutes or so, I added mushrooms and carrots to the wok. I hate mushy carrots and mushrooms. How was the vegetable fried rice? I would say this turned out really nice and flavorful. My daughter and nephew had two helpings, there wasn’t too much left for me to sample. 😉
I still have a few more dishes to share but that will have to wait until another day. About an hour ago, I made “pulled” chicken in my small pressure cooker. I set the chicken breasts in a steamer basket and added three cups of liquid so I could make a nice chicken stock.
I just commented in Jennifer’s blog about the egg. She cooked the same dish too – what a coincidence!
suituapui recently posted..The boys…
@suituapui, That is a coincidence. I haven’t made fried rice in a while, so I figured it was time to make it again. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Food adventures: Oat groats and salad; keeping it simple
I hope this comment goes thru n stays ok I’m typing on my iPhone
This is quite a coincident for sure I posted about veggie fried rice early today too
I tried using vegg for the egg
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan MoFo ~ Vegg Fried Rice
@Jennifer, I love fried rice, but haven’t made it as much lately. The reason being, is that other foods have captivated my love for experimenting within the kitchen. 😉
Aynaria recently posted..Food adventures: Oat groats and salad; keeping it simple