Coyote sighting…

We have coyotes in parts of Maryland and some live in our woods. Last year, my daughter and I saw a dead coyote on the side of our long winding road and this morning, on the way to dropping off my daughter at school and continuing on to work… my daughter and I saw a coyote in our little community. The winding road that leads back to our community is separated on both sides by woods. The coyote trotted from woods, onto the road, and disappeared into the woods on the other sides. Because of its coat it easily blended in with the trees and the fallen leaves. My only regret is that I did not have my camera handy to take that picture, but it was their only briefly before disappearing into the woods once more.

We often hear the coyotes in our area usually during the afternoon and at night if I’m outside.


In other news

Earlier today, my 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle loom arrived by UPS; two days ahead of schedule. This afternoon, when I arrived home from work I put it together. Hopefully, I’ll have a chance to weave this week.

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I dropped you an email – having problems commenting on a few of your posts but so far this one is letting me 🙂

We have Coyotes around here too and many people hunt them because they are going after pets and a few years ago people…eeeek!

I’m NOT for hunting them but understand they are a problem at times.
Jennifer recently posted..Sweet & Spicy Cheesy Surprise


Yup! Many feel that is exactly why – over population and not a good food source! So sad!
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