Last evening, I was finally able to squeeze in some crochet time. But it wasn’t long, perhaps twenty minutes?
Unfortunately, I have no pictures to share… since I frogged (ripped out) the stitches. In hindsight, I should have taken a photo anyway. It’s a new stitch I’m working on, and since my first crochet attempts weren’t satisfactory (at least for me) I frogged it. But you know what? It’s nice to keep record of the incorrect way to do something, since later you can see how much you’ve advanced. And if you share those mistakes, perhaps it can be an encouragement to others learning too. Since they realize that others, experienced the same obstacles, and were able to move past them?
I must say, I don’t have any remorse about doing that. Perhaps I’m conditioned to this process, since I’d do that with sewing via a seam ripper, and with knitting too. With knitting, it’s much more painful to rip those stitches than crochet, that’s for sure. But with those crafts, I’ve gotten to a point where it’s rare that I have to rip out anything. And the same holds true with the basic crochet stitches. I rarely mess up, but with new crochet stitches… I might. Especially, if the directions aren’t explained well. Which is what happened last evening, if I have time I’ll log onto check out a crochet video tutorial on YouTube.
Today’s going to be busy, and I’m unsure if I’ll have a chance to crochet that much. In less than two hours, we’ll be heading to the 9:00 service at our Lutheran church. Afterwards we’ll come home and hang outside. It’s such a beautiful day.
Who knows, I might have a chance to sneak in a few crochet rows at that time. But I’m not counting on it. However, If I do get the chance… I’ll be sure to post pictures of some of my attempts with the new crochet stitch.
Coraline wasn’t completed yesterday, as I’d hoped, since we spent most of our time outside. However, the crocheted Coraline, will be finished in time for my daughter’s birthday. We’re holding my daughter’s birthday celebration after she returns home from school tomorrow.
Ugh. I hate Frogging, but only because I regret the time wasted since I usually don’t notice anything wrong until I have gone pretty far in the pattern. But you have the right attitude, and I am usually glad I have done it when the project is done and I can be satisfied with the results rather than trying to hide a flaw. 😉
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Hi @Teeni, Frogging is something I don’t mind anymore. I guess I’m conditioned to it, as a child I was creating my own designs with sewing and on a much smaller level, knitting. So I was ripping and frogging a lot of seams. 🙂 Until I achieved the desired look.
The thrill for me, is the process of making the item, not so much the completed object. Although it’s nice to see the completed project, I’m usually on to something else. 😉 Which, I guess explains why I make a lot of hand crafted items.
I must say the finished objects aren’t wasted, so you won’t find them in our home collecting dust. They’re given to others, like my daughter, friends, and a variety of charities too.
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