I’m pleased that the scarf I’ve been crocheting is actually looking like it’s supposed to, yes I fixed my silly crochet mistakes.
In the above picture, I still had made a few errors, on the third row, but I’ve since corrected themΒ and crocheted a few more rows. I’ll post pictures either later today, or sometime tomorrow. Sarah graciously extended the deadline for me, it’s due today, and I should be able to wrap it up once I arrive home from work today.
I have sat here over and over trying to just do a simple chain. I totally want to just throw my hook and yarn down and give up…just like when I was a teen. But I keep hearing you and Teeni telling me to keep trying. And I keep looking at your projects, and it inspires me to keep trying. π
DragonLady recently posted..Rex Healthcare Half Marathon Recap
Hi @DragonLady, I remember I struggled with a simple chain too, hang in there. I was ‘making’ one but the gauge was all wrong, it looked a hot mess. I’ve decided to include my mistakes here on my site, since it shows others that they aren’t the only one struggling. π
Aynaria recently posted..Finally placed a yarn order with KnitPicks
It’s looking fantastic Opal! Well done for keeping on trying for me, you have been very helpful with the test so that my pattern can be much clearer π
Sarah Jane recently posted..Review: Crochetvolution Winter 2012
Thanks @Sarah Jane, I really appreciate your patience with me on this pattern test. I felt awful that I was having some issues. However your pictures, and instructions after it sunk it were helpful.
Aynaria recently posted..How to double crochet three together (dc3tog)
@Opal, There is no need to feel bad, you are only quite new to crocheting and this is a quite challenging pattern. Having you able to test and willing to keep trying helps me to make my pattern much clearer π
[…] really been enjoying Sarah’s pattern, I’ve really enjoyed tracking my scarfs progress, and I’ve enjoyed […]