Curious green anole; lizard

I believe this might be a green anole. 

During our vacation, we spotted this inquisitive little sweetie.

Green anole Lizard 2

While exiting the pool center, I heard a rustling in the shrubs, I stopped and patiently waited, and was rewarded when this lizard clamored onto a bush to get a better view of the chatter. Perhaps we were disturbing its afternoon siesta?

My daughter, four-year old cousin, and my aunt were there also, and so it had a captive audience. Since I’ve read a lot about lizards, I was able to talk about some of their characteristics while I snapped shots. They were a captive audience, and the lizard seemed to bask in the attention. It even was bold enough to crawl closer to get a better view, while it cocked its head, and its eyes rotated to follow us.

Green anole Lizard 1

This lizard, posed for numerous shots, and my only regret is that I didn’t stuff one of my macro lens into my Nikon D80 bag, before we headed to poolside. We reluctantly left, with the lizard still watching us.

I’m in constant awe of the world that God created, and am continuously blessed that I’m here to enjoy it.

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Sure looks like an anole. We had some for pets as kids. The only thing I didn’t like is we had to feed them mealy worms. Those are kind of yucky and turn into beetles if they don’t get eaten. Blech. Nice shots even without the macro lens. This one is almost a neon color! Cool!
Teeni recently posted..Craft Challenge – Tomato Containers


We used to have loads of those, but Mittens decimated the population back when she was active. They would be pretty safe now as she spends most of her time holding the front porch down. 😉 I have a picture somewhere of Jamie with one hanging from her ear. I should dig that out… 🙂
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Allison @ Jovani Designer Prom Dresses

Those are great shots! I saw a few of them myself the last time I was down south – I usually don’t like lizards of any kind but I thought these were actually cute.