About an hour ago, I placed a tray of freshly harvested habañero peppers into my dehydrator. Much earlier today, I ground up the habañero peppers, that I’d dried yesterday. I made sure I put something around my nose so I would not accidentally inhale the fumes. We should have plenty of hot pepper powder to last us well into 2015. I’ll be using my ground hot pepper in a variety of dishes including soups and other spices.
AWESOME!!! I like hot peppers but have yet to try Ghost Peppers!!!
Jennifer recently posted..WonderWorks – Part 2 – Optical Illusions
@Jennifer, We made hot pepper jelly last evening. I also ground up some habañero peppers. I already sampled both, they taste great!
Aynaria recently posted..Sewing Adventures: I’m almost there…
Hot Pepper Jellies are wonderful!!! I love the hot paired with the sweet for a great contrast!
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