Father’s Day Photos

Well… I am posting a few Father’s Day photos, one day later.

Fathers Day 2015_3

As I mentioned in yesterdays post, my BF and his son came by for dinner at my parents house.

Fathers Day 2015_8
My father telling  his audience one of his many stories. They’re great. He’s had a wonderful life.

My parents really enjoyed getting to know his son.


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Belated Happy Father’s Day greetings to your dad and BF. Oh? His son? Very handsome! Still available? Wink! Wink! 😀
suituapui recently posted..Everybody loves you…


@suituapui, Your girl’s so sweet and cute – looks naughty in the first pic. LOL!!!
suituapui recently posted..Everybody loves you…


Great photos! Looks like a fun time! What happened to his son’s arm!? Hope he’s ok!?
Jennifer recently posted..Happy Weekend (on a Monday)!