Feeding the homeless; grocery shopping…

Each month, I make my regular trek to a local grocery store to purchase items for a local homeless shelter. It’s a ministry that my Lutheran church is involved with, and we contribute by purchasing food items, preparing nutritiously delicious meals, and interacting the guests during their stay. I’ve been involved with this ministry for over a year.

People don’t care how much you know, until they know you care…

Initially, I volunteered as their breakfast cook. Back then, it worked perfectly with my schedule since I was working from home full-time, but when I started working out of the home on a part-time basis, I realized that wasn’t feasible, and so I prayed for other ways that I could still be part of this fabulous ministry. A few months later my prayers were answered when I learned the person who was purchasing the food had to step back because their job was sending them to Afghanistan.

I must say, stepping into this role has been a wonderful experience and I like that I get to choose the meals that are prepared. Can I prepare three meals (breakfast, lunch and a bagged lunch) serving 35 guests for $110? Of course I can. I make wise food choices and of course, I make sure the items chosen will make delicious and nutritious food. The meals aren’t vegetarian/vegan, although that is an option for those who are or simply trying to reduce their meat intake.


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Bless you. Whatever you do to the least of My brothers, you do unto Me.
suituapui recently posted..What’s new…


You know I love hearing about your volunteering! Another great post! Thank you for all you do!
Jennifer recently posted..A Lovely Bunch Of Randomness