Fermentation adventures: Finally making my sourdough starter…

One of the challenges a person can face for wanting to prepare everything themselves, is finding the time to do just that.

Take myself for example, I love that I’m so self-sufficient. When it comes to meal preparation, clothing and skin care products. I really don’t have to rely on someone or a company to make the things for me. I’m perfectly capable of doing them myself. However, I don’t always get things done when I want. After all, there’s only so much time in a day.

Sourdough was one of the projects that fell through the cracks.

Initially, I’d written about making my own sourdough starter on September 1, and while I’d had every intention to start my own sourdough starter, that never happened.

If you remember, I mentioned that I’d heard about sourdough from Laura Ingalls Wilder’s book, By the Shores of Silver Lake….

“But how do you make the sour dough?” Mrs. Boast asked. “You start it,” said Ma, “by putting some flour and warm water in a jar and letting it stand till it sours.” “Then when you use it, always leave a little,” said Laura. “And put in the scraps of biscuit dough, like this, and more warm water.” Laura put in the warm water, “and cover it,” she put a clean cloth and the plate on the jar, “and just set it in a warm place,” she set it in its place on the shelf by the stove. “And it’s always ready to use whenever you want it.”

Laura Ingalls Wilder: By the Shores of Silver Lake

It hasn’t been laziness that has kept me from making sourdough, instead I’ve been having numerous other fermenting adventures with the most recent being Kombucha! Not only did I create my own SCOBY at home, I’ve successfully made kombucha. I just haven’t gotten around to drinking it yet.

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Looking forward to the sourdough adventures 🙂
You are always so busy with everything! LOVE seeing what you have going on and what you have on deck to tackle next!!!
Jennifer recently posted..Coconut Oil Giveaway!


A cousin of mine makes artisan breads…and she names her starters after characters of shows that she watches on TV. Very nice, the bread she makes, impressive.
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